Mary Marouli-Zilemenou
Professor Culture & Politics, Ph.D President for European Studies & Humanities “Ioannis Capodistrias”, President of Hellenic Νational Committee of Clubs and Centres for Unesco, President of Advisory Committee

Mary Marouli-Zilemenou
Professor Culture & Politics, Ph.D President for European Studies & Humanities “Ioannis Capodistrias”, President of Hellenic Νational Committee of Clubs and Centres for Unesco, President of Advisory Committee
Mary Marouli-Zilemenou was born in Greece. She studied Political, Economic and Legal Sciences in Greece and France. She holds an MBA from the Economic Univ in Athens and a MA in Comparative Politics from Strasbourg University.
She holds a Ph.D. in Comparative Politics - from Panteion University where she taught for 40 years parliamentary law, Greek constitutional history and human rights in the European Union.
She is member of the Board of Directors of the "Euro - Mediterranean Academy of Arts and Sciences" based in Georgia and is teaching - as a visitor professor - " in European and American Universities for the last 8 years.
She has published 5 books on topics relating to the functioning of the State.
She has organized international Conferences and Scientific Meetings in Greece and abroad on Environment, Energy Security and Culture, in cooperation with Greek and foreign universities the European Union and UNESCO.
A number of her articles have been published in scientific journals in Greece and abroad. Has received awards from the Massachusetts Senate; Rhodes Island - USA, from the Ministry of Education of Spain, from UNESCO and other Organizations for her contribution to culture in general.
She has been awarded -three times- with the "Paul Harris Fellow" by the Rotary International for her humanitarian work. She is:
- President of the Hellenic National Council of Clubs and Centers for UNESCO
- President of the Centre for European Studies and Humanities "Ioannis Capodistrias",
- President of UNESCO Club of Argolis
- Vice-President of the International Organization "Cultural Horizons"
- President of "European Horizons Media Group" European news and culture portal
- Member of the Association of European Journalists.
- Speaks English/French/Italian
Dimitrios Emmanouloudis
Professor, Unesco Chairholder on Conservation & Ecotourism of Riparian and Deltaic Ecosystems Vice-President of Advisory Committee

Dimitrios Emmanouloudis
Professor, Unesco Chairholder on Conservation & Ecotourism of Riparian and Deltaic Ecosystems Vice-President of Advisory Committee
He is a graduate of the Department of Forestry and Natural Environment of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and holds a PhD in the field of "Mountain Water Management" from the same School. He completed his postdoctoral studies at the Polytechnic University of Madrid, where he received the honorary distinction of "Ingeniero de Montes de Honor". He has been a Full Professor at the Department of Forestry and Natural Environment of Drama since 2008. He served as Vice President of International and European Affairs at the Technological Educational Institute of Eastern Macedonia and Thrace (TEI EMTh) from 2008 to 2017 and as Vice-Rector of the same Institution from 2017 to 2019. He has coordinated thirty-one (31) International and National competitive Research Programs to date and has served as Director of the Postgraduate Program "Water Resources Management in the Mediterranean" and the MSc Program "Human and Water", while he is also the Director of the Interdepartmental MSc Program "Analysis and Management of Human-induced and Natural Disasters", jointly implemented by the Democritus University of Thrace and the Hellenic Fire Service. Since 2016, he has held the UNESCO Chair on Management and Protection of Coastal and Deltaic Ecosystems, since 2019 he has been the Director of the Laboratory "Hydrometeorological Disasters and Climate Change Monitoring" at the Department of Forestry and Natural Environment of the Democritus University of Thrace, and since 2021 he has been the Director of the Established Research Laboratory for Analysis and Management of Human-induced and Natural Disasters – ASSIST, which as of March 13, 2024, belongs to the Democritus University of Thrace. His published work includes fourteen (14) books and more than two hundred and fifty (250) research papers.
Anastasios Varelas
MA. MBA. former Diplomat

Anastasios Varelas
MA. MBA. former Diplomat
- Born in Athens with roots from Constantinople
- He holds an MA in Political Science from the University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand and an MBA from Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand.
- Former Diplomat of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of New Zealand
He joined the New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade
in 1978 and represented New Zealand's political and economic
interests abroad, namely in Indonesia, Thailand, Canada, Korea
and the UN in New York, on a special mission. - 2003-2004 was in charge of the New Zealand mission for the 2004 Olympic and Paralympic Games in Athens.
- Since 2006 he has been responsible for SPECIAL PROJECTS aimed at promoting New Zealand's interests in various countries of the former Soviet Union.
- Currently holds the positions:
Secretary General of the Hellenic National Council for UNESCO
President of the Athens Cultural Center for UNESCO
President of the "Cultural Horizons" Organization (NGO)
Vice President of the Center for European Studies "Ioannis Capodistrias" (NGO)
Georgios Kremlis
Honorary Director of European Commission Scientific Advisor of Greek Prime Minister for the Environment

Georgios Kremlis
Honorary Director of European Commission Scientific Advisor of Greek Prime Minister for the Environment
Giorgos Kremlis
is Honorary Director in the European Commission. He is also in charge of circular economy and insularity on behalf of DGENV.
He started his career in the Commission in 1981. He was a Legal advisor (from January 1981) in the European Commission’s Legal Service, with an interruption of three years (1990-1993) in Greece where he exercised the functions of Advisor to the Greek Minister of National Economy (1990), National Co-ordinator for the EEC internal market (1990-1992), Head of the EEC Committee under the Greek Prime Minister (1993), and Secretary General for European Affairs in the Ministry of National Economy (1993). During this period he was also a Member of the Greek Competition authority.
In 1995 he joined DGENV. From 1995 to 2004 he served as Head of the Legal Unit, responsible for all legal issues in the DG. From 2004 to 2005 he was the Head of the “Legal affairs and Governance” Unit, and from June 2005 to May 2013 Head of the Unit "Cohesion Policy and Environmental Impact assessments”. From June 2013 till 30 March 2018 he has served as Head of the "Mainstreaming and Environmental Assessments" Unit (former "Enforcement, Cohesion Policy & European Semester, Cluster 1" Unit); in between, from March to August 2011, he served as Acting Director of the Directorate "Legal Affairs and Cohesion" and from June 2013 to January 2014 as Director ad interim of the Directorate "Implementation, Governance and Semester".
Michalis Christakis
Dr. International Law, President “Kleisthenis Org", General Secretary of Phychico / Philothei Municipality

Michalis Christakis
Dr. International Law, President “Kleisthenis Org", General Secretary of Phychico / Philothei Municipality
Dr. Michalis Christakis -since 2011- is the President of the Panhellenic Association of General Secretaries (City Managers) in Municipal Authorities (Klesthenes) of Greece. From January 2007 until September 2015 served as General Secretary of the Municipality of Amaroussion (the city of 2004 Olympic Games, north of Athens, region of Attica). From 2015 to 2017 served as General Secretary of the Municipality of Dionyssos (North Atttica). Since May 2017 serves as General Secretary of the Municipality of Nea Smyrni (south of Athens, region of Attica). Since 2001, holds a tenure position as a national expert in the National Center for Public Administration and Local Government of the Ministry of Interior and Public Administration. He has been President for the Fisheries Sector for Greece on an EU PROJECT on baseline measurement and reduction of administrative costs for related businesses for the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). He has been a Special Advisor in the Ministry of Health and Social Solidarity, the Hellenic Ministry for the Environment, Physical Planning and Public Works, the Ministry of Public Order and the Hellenic Agency for Local Development and Local Government. He holds a Degree in Political Sciences and Public Administration (University of Athens – Greece), a Masters Degree in European Studies (University of Reading – UK), and a Doctorate in International Relations (University of KENT – UK). He has lectured in the fields of European Policies, Public Administration and International Relations in the National School of Public Administration and Local Government, the Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences in Athens – Greece and Military Academies.
Paata Kervalishvili
Professor, Dr. of Sciences, President of the EuroMediterranean Academy of Arts and Sciences

Paata Kervalishvili
Professor, Dr. of Sciences, President of the EuroMediterranean Academy of Arts and Sciences
- Professor, Doctor of Sciences and Dr. Eng. Paata J. Kervalishvili (born 1949) is
- Professor at department of Physics within Georgian Technical University, as well as
- Professor of faculty of exact and natural sciences of Tbilisi State University.
From 1970 until 1992 Prof. Kervalishvili was researcher and Director in different research and technology centers within the Middle Machinery Ministry (State Committee for Atomic Energy) of former USSR main body of the Soviet atomic energy and weapon industry (Institute of Stable Isotopes, The Soviet State institute of Rare Metals, Sukhumi Physical Technical Institute, I. Kurchatov
Institute of Atomic Energy) In 1994 1999, after one year in Parliament of Georgia he worked in Government of Georgia (as Secretary of State in the State Committee
for Science and Technology, Assistant to President of the State in Science and Technology)
A condensed matter physicist with Technical University Diploma, Dr. Kervalishvili has served in several directions of physics and technology such as: condensed
matter, molecular and quantum physics, nuclear and laser technologies, novel materials, sensory systems, energy and information technologies. He is author of
more than 450 scientific publications, books, manuals, and inventions and among them scientific bestsellers published by IOS Press, Pergamon Press, Springer.
Prof. Kervalishvili is a member of more than 10 top level academies and research councils and among them: full member of American, European, Russian and
Georgian scientific academies, Georgian Engineering academy and other distinguish organizations. Currently he is the President of Georgian Academy of Natural Sciences and President of Euro Mediterrane an Academy of Arts and Sciences.
Dr. Kervalishvili received more than 20 prestigious prizes and state orders and among them USSR, Georgia, Germany, Italy, different public organizations,
scientific academies and universities (USA, Greece, Russia, Turkey, Romania, etc.)
As a Director and coordinator of several (more than 90) World Bank, EU, ISTC, etc. d coordinator of several (more than 90) World Bank, EU, ISTC, etc. projects and Chairman of International Forums and Conferences (more than 60), projects and Chairman of International Forums and Conferences (more than 60), as well as Professor of some well known European and American Universities he has as well as Professor of some well known European and American Universities he has the wide international experience.
P. Kervalishvili received his B.S. and M.S. in engineering physics from Georgian li received his B.S. and M.S. in engineering physics from Georgian Technical University. The Soviet State institute of Rare Metals awarded him the Technical University. The Soviet State institute of Rare Metals awarded him the title of Ph. D., and Dr.title of Ph. D., and Dr.--Eng. in 1979, and Soviet atomic centre “Kurchatov Institute” Eng. in 1979, and Soviet atomic centre “Kurchatov Institute” –– degree of Doctor of pdegree of Doctor of physics and mathematics (1985). hysics and mathematics (1985). He got USSR Professor State He got USSR Professor State title in 1989.title in 1989.
Susie Michailidis
Professor, Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, Webster University Athens

Susie Michailidis
Professor, Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, Webster University Athens
Dr. Susie Michailidis, Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs at Webster University Athens is an educator and scholar with more than thirty years of experience.
As a researcher and member of the Academy of Sciences of Georgia, Academy of Natural Sciences of Russia and Vice President of the Euro-Mediterranean Academy of Arts and Sciences, she has a record in scholarship and vast publications in the fields of philology, literature, literary criticism, philosophy, history and social sciences. One of the last publication is: Michailidis, S. Kervalishvili, P. ”Philosophy and Synergy of Information: Sustainability and Security.” NATO Science for Peace and Security Series. IOS Press. Amsterdam, Berlin, Tokyo, Washington DC, 2012
She has several scientific honors. Dr. Michailidis was included in “2000 Outstanding Scholars of the 20th century for the contribution in the field of Comparative Literature and Literary Criticism” and her name is in several editions of “Who is Who in the World”, “Who is Who in Greece” as well.
Dr. Michailidis’ mission has always been based on her experience to demonstrate a managerial role at an institution of higher learning providing an excellent liberal education as well as dedication, commitment and ability to create and develop diverse programs and projects. During her career in the institutions of higher learning and research, she naturally uses loyalty, integrity and dependability in working with the student body, faculty and staff. She is proficient in several foreign languages with very good command of communication in multicultural settings.
Irini Stamatoudi
LL.M., Ph.D. Professor, Faculty of Law, University of Nicosia

Irini Stamatoudi
LL.M., Ph.D. Professor, Faculty of Law, University of Nicosia
Irini Stamatoudi is a Professor at the Faculty of Law of the University of Nicosia (Cyprus) and a lawyer at the Supreme Court of Athens (Greece). She holds degrees from the University of Athens (Greece) (Law Degree) and the University of Leicester (UK) (LL.M., Ph.D.). She has taught at the University of Leicester, on the joint LL.M. of the University of Turin, ILO, and WIPO, at the International Hellenic University, at the Academy of the World Intellectual Property Organization, and on several other academic courses. She has published numerous books and articles, some considered international works of reference.
Vasiliki-Maria Tzatzaki
Dr, Legal counsel NCCA

Vasiliki-Maria Tzatzaki
Dr, Legal counsel NCCA
Academic Studies
PhD ῾Water as an economic good in public international law: Effects in the environment and human rights’ (Published in Greek under the title: Water in Public International Law)
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Faculty of Law
LLM in Public International Law
The London School of Economics and Political Science, Faculty of Law
LLM ῾Legal International Studies’, specialization in Public International Law
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Faculty of Law
European Master of Business Administration in Marketing
ESCEM School of Business and Management
Postgraduate Certificate in European Higher Legal Studies
University of Leicester, Faculty of Law
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Faculty of Law
Research programmes
2015 until today
Academic fellow
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Athens Public International Law Center
National expert in the research ‘Enabling the Business of Agriculture 2017’
World Bank
National expert in the research ‘Enabling the Business of Agriculture 2019’
World Bank
01 August 2015 - 31 August 2015
Scientific researcher in the programme ‘Anticorruption Policies Revisited: Global Trends and European Responses to the Challenge of Corruption (ANTICORRP) FP7’
European Commission, Budapest Corvinus University & the European University Institute
Professional experience
12 January 2021 until today
Legal Advisor
Hellenic Ministry of Environment and Energy, Deputy Minister’s cabinet
02 August 2019 – 12 January 2021
Legal Advisor
Hellenic Ministry of Environment and Energy, Minister’s cabinet
15 May 2015 – 17 July 2019
Legal Advisor
Hellenic Ministry of Environment and Energy, Cabinet of the Special Secretary for Water
10 August 2012 – 22 April 2015
Legal Advisor
Hellenic Ministry of Environment and Energy, Cabinet of the Special Secretary for Water
10 March 2010 – 10 August 2012
Legal Advisor
Hellenic Ministry of Environment and Energy, Cabinet of the Special Secretary for Water
29 July 2005 - today
Lawyer at the Supreme Court of Greece, Member of the Athens Bar
16 March 2006 - 15 June 2006
European Union, European Economic and Social Committee, Department of Foreign Relations
3 October 2005 - 3 February 2006
Hellenic Ministry of Foreign Affairs, D1 Directorate UN & International Organizations
January 2004 – June 2005
Piraeus Bank Thessaloniki, Legal Department
Teaching experience
19 November 2020 – 15 February 2021
Teaching staff in MSc ‘Man and Water’ (The legal framework for management of water resources in Greece)
International University of Greece, Department of Forestry and Natural Environment
12 November 2020 – 28 February 2021
Teaching staff in MSc ‘Analysis and Management of Manmade and Natural Disasters’ (Economic consequences of natural disasters)
International University of Greece and Fire Academy
25 May 2020 – 03 July 2020 & 31 August 2020 – 09 October 2020
Teaching staff ‘Signature–ratification and management of international agreements’
Training School for Legal Advisors of the Hellenic Army, 2nd & 3rd Training Schools
18 February 2018 – 26 March 2019
Scientific associate PD 407/80 (Exercises of International and European Law, Special Part of Public International Law)
Democritos University of Thrace, Faculty of Law
14 November 2018 – 30 September 2019
Academic Scholar (International Institutions, International Humanitarian Law)
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Faculty of Law
Academic years 2017-2021
Visiting lecturer in the LLM Programme «Public Law-Public Policies»
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Faculty of Law
Academic years 2018-2021
Visiting lecturer in the LLM Programme «Public International Law»
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Faculty of Law
Academic years 2015-2020
Visiting lecturer in the MSc programme «Ecology and biodiversity management»
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Faculty of Biology
Academic years 2015-2021
Academic staff in the School of Hellenic Police Officers (Public International law & International Humanitarian Law)
Hellenic Police Headquarters, Ministry of Civil Protection
Academic programme 2018 ‘Protection and sustainable management of surface and groundwater’
Academic staff
National Center of Public Administration
Academic years 2016-2021
President and member of the commission for the assessment of dissertations
Hellenic Police Headquarters, Ministry of Civil Protection
Academic years 2016-2021
Member of the commission for written examination for candidate police officers for placement in International Organizations and Diplomatic Missions of Greece
Hellenic Police Headquarters, Ministry of Civil Protection
March 2019
The environmental protection of transboundary watercourses: International law & practice.
European Law Student Association Thessaloniki, International Conference on Environmental Law
December 2017
Fresh water resources management and law. Examples drawn by the international community.
European Law Student Association Komotini, International winter school
December 2016
Institutional framework for the protection and management of water resources.
National Center of Public Administration
June 2016
The management of transboundary fresh water resources in international law
Hellenic Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Diplomatic Academy
• Tzatzaki. 2020. Restrictive measures when trading water: May GATT protect us from water scarcity. Yearbook of International Environmental Law. (Accepted for publication, in print)
• Tzatzaki. 2020. The new legal framework for the management of waste in Greece. Institutional interventions for a holistic approach. Perivallon kai Dikaio 3/2020, 407-418.
• Tzatzaki. 2020. Recent Developments in Environmental Law in Greece: A Commentary. International Journal of Environmental Protection and Policy: 66.
• Tzatzaki. 2020. Floods and Climate Change: Recent Institutional developments. Nomos kai Physis. https://nomosphysis.org.gr/20222/plimmyres-kai-klimatiki-allagi-prosfates-thesmikes-ekselikseis/
• World Bank. 2019. Enabling the business of agriculture 2019 (English). Washington, D.C.: World Bank Group. https://openknowledge.worldbank.org/bitstream/handle/10986/31804/9781464813870.pdf?sequence=7&isAllowed=y. (National expert).
• Tzatzaki. 2018. Adapting the legal framework of natural marine resources management to climate disruption: The case of Greece. Arctic Review on Law and Politics: 1.
• United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction. 2018. Words into Actions Guidelines, Implementation Guide for Addressing Water-Related Disasters and Transboundary Cooperation, United Nations Economic Commission for Europe United Nations Publications, 112 p. (National expert).
• Tzatzaki. 2017. Human dignity as a common element in international biolaw and the right to water. Ius et Scientia: 1.
• World Bank. 2017. Enabling the business of agriculture 2017 (English). Washington, D.C.: World Bank Group. http://documents.worldbank.org/curated/en/369051490124575049/Enabling-the-business-of-agriculture-2017. (National expert).
• Tzatzaki. 2017 National approaches for the realization of the human right to water: A comparative study, in E.J. Lohse & P.P. Poto (eds.), Best Practices for the Protection of Water by Law: Focus on participatory instruments in environmental law and politics, Berliner Wissenschafts-Verlag, 2017, pp 13-30.
• Tzatzaki and A. Dan Tarlock. 2015. International Water Law and Climate Disruption Adaptation, in A. Tanzi, O. McIntyre, A. Kolliopoulos, A. Rieu-Clarke & R. Kinna (eds.), The UNECE Convention on the Protection and Use on Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes, BRILL pp. 379-393.
• Tzatzaki. 2014. Solidarity and Law: Examples drawn by the international community. European Review of Public Law 26 (1): 16.
• Tzatzaki. 2013. The operation of swimming pools and golf courses in the framework of integrated water resources management in Greece, in Α. Koutsouradis (ed), Contemporary legal and developmental problems of Greek tourism: 3rd Conference of Tourism Law-Chalkidiki 27-30 September 2012, pp 425-436
• Tzatzaki. 2012. Water in public international law. Nomiki Vivliohtiki (480 pages).
• Tzatzaki. 2012. Tourism and water resoures in international law and integrated management, in A. Koutsouradis (ed), International and European Dimension of Tourism, 2nd Conference of Tourism Law, Nomiki Vivliothiki, pp 322-331.
• Tzatzaki. 2008. The contribution of the legal aspect of hydrology to the management of international water resources, in H.-J. Liebscher, R. Clarke, J. Rodda, G. Schultz, A. Schumann, L. Ubertini & G. Young (eds.), The Role of Hydrology in Water Resources Management, Proceedings of a symposium on the role of hydrology in water resources management, Capri, Italy, October 2008.IAHS Publication 327, pp. 24-28.
• Tzatzaki. 2008. The UN Convention on International Watercourses and Integrated Water Resources Management: A bridge built, 4 IOP Conf. Ser.: Earth Environ. Sci. 4 012036
• Tzatzaki. 2008. The UN Convention on International Watercourses: Do we need it? WRA's 13th World Water Congress, 1-4 September 2008, Montpellier, France.
• Tzatzaki. 2008. The element of equitable utilization in the settlement of water related investment disputes, Efarmoges Dimosiou Dikaiou ΙΙ/2018, pp 521-548.
Presentations in international workshops and conferences
• International conference European Society of International Law-Interest Group on International Environmental Law “International Law in Times of Trade Wars and Global Environmental Problems: Protection or Protectionism?” (31.05-01.06.2019), Moscow, Russia.
• Annual Conference of the Hellenic Society of International Law & International Relations ‘Human rights: From Declaration to Claim’ (20-22.12.2018), Athens, Greece.
• 13ο World Conference ‘Bioethics, Medical Ethics and Health Law’ (27-29.11.2018), UNESCO Chair on Bioethics, Jerusalem, Israel.
• International Conference ‘20 years after Oviedo Convention on Human Rights and Biomedicine’, Laboratory for the Study of Health Law and Bioethics (08-09.12.2017), Thessaloniki, Greece.
• International seminar European Society of International Law-Interest Group on Biolaw “International Biolaw and interactions with environmental, human rights and health law” (27.10.2017), Malaga, Spain.
• International Conference “Sustainable Drainage: Planning, Regulation and Management” (19-20.10.2017), Lisbon, Portugal.
• Διεθνές σεμινάριο “Natural Marine Resource Management in a Changing Climate”, K.G. Jebesen Center for the Law of the Sea, Tromsø (13-14.06.2017).
• 4thDrin Stakeholders Conference, Global Water Partnership (14-15.12.2016), Pristina, Kosovo.
• International Conference “Adapting to Climate Change” (21-22.06.2016), Lisbon, Portugal.
• Expert Workshop “Best practices for the protection of water in times of crisis. Focus on participatory instruments in environmental law and policies” (22-23.04.2016), Erlangen, Germany.
• 1st International Conference on Redrafting Water Management (08-09.10.2015), Lisbon, Portugal.
• 1st meeting of the Network of Economic Regulators, Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (14.04.2013), Paris, France.
• “International Symposium on the Role of Hydrology in Water Resources Management”, IHP-UNESCO (13-16.10.2008), Capri, Italy.
• “XIIIth World Water Congress”, International Water Resources Association (01-04.09.2008), Montpellier, France.
• XXIVth Conference of the Danubian Countries”, National Committee of Slovenia for the International Hydrological Program of UNESCO (02-04.06.2008), Bled, Slovenia.
• “International Groundwater Conference on Groundwater Dynamics and Global Change” (19-22.03.2008), Jaipur, India.
• “5th International Water History Association Conference”, International Hydrological Programme (13-17.06.2007), Tampere, Finland.
Foreign Languages
English: -Certificate of Proficiency in English, Cambridge University
-Certificate of Proficiency in English, University of Michigan
French: -Diplôme d'études en langue française (DELF), 1er Degré
-Diplôme d'études en langue française (DELF), 2ème Degré
Italian: Diploma di Lingua Italiana, Istituto Italiano di Cultura
Computers ECDL Profile Certificate (Excel, Word, Internet)
Melina Nicolaides
Director, ACTIVATE Nonprofit Organization: Pathways to Positive Change Through the Arts & Sciences, Cyprus

Melina Nicolaides
Director, ACTIVATE Nonprofit Organization: Pathways to Positive Change Through the Arts & Sciences, Cyprus
Originally from the island of Cyprus, Melina Nicolaides was born in Washington, D.C. and spent her childhood years there and in New Delhi, followed by secondary education in Geneva, and completion of her studies at the St. George’s British School of Rome (Head Girl). She holds a BA in History from Princeton University, obtained with the thesis “A Problem of Authenticity and Representation in a 19th Century Vision of the Orient”, as considered through Verdi’s opera Aida, first presented in Cairo in 1871. Following an extended training-period at the E.U. in the sectors of Communication, Information and Cultural Heritage (D.G. X), she went on to earn a multidisciplinary MFA from the Maryland Institute College of Art, which she attended as an A.G. Leventis Foundation Scholar, and where she received the Institution’s Graduate Award. As a visual artist, and then as an environmentally-engaged curator and writer, her work was presented in solo and over fifty group events and exhibitions internationally, receiving art awards, cultural fellowships, and governmental project grants both in the USA and in Europe.
Over the years, channeling new interests and continued study, her practice expanded in scope towards topics that related to connecting efforts and creating new perspectives around the urgent need for environmental and social change. Subsequently, as Founding Director of ACTIVATE Nonprofit Organization, her focus turned to developing cross-disciplinary projects that communicate climate-related challenges of the Eastern Mediterranean & MENA region, by connecting the fields of science and art with society. As research-based initiatives that bring together people from across this region and diverse spheres of knowledge, the aim is to help build creative, human-centered, and solution-oriented collaborations related to water, food, and energy security.
In addressing these connected topics, the primary objectives include unifying the diverse efforts being carried out – from within the scientific community and academia to individuals working on the ground – while also highlighting the multiple environmental, social, and cultural ‘connected points’ or commonalities shared between the countries and peoples of the MENA region. The underlying principle, while also encouraging public awareness, is to illustrate how working as a broader community – and acknowledging and integrating these factors – will ultimately benefit the crafting of appropriate strategies and applicable environmental policies for this region.
Following her work as a member of one of the 13 thematic research Task Forces of the Eastern Mediterranean and Middle East Climate Initiative (EMME-CCI) launched by the Government of Cyprus in 2019, Ms. Nicolaides served at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs as Advisor for the President’s Regional Climate Initiative for its second and intergovernmental phase. The mandate was to shape new communicative and cross-disciplinary pathways and partnerships on which to be able to build the basis of a viable Climate Action Diplomacy strategy that could involve both leadership and the communities of the region.
Ms. Nicolaides is internationally Permaculture Design certified (PDC), is an active member of the Advisory Board of the Future Earth MENA Regional Center (FEMRC) hosted by The Cyprus Institute, and served on the Steering Committee for the E.U. Interreg MED Programme ARISTOIL, now in its on-the-ground capacity-building stage. She was recently invited to serve on the Board of Directors of the Tassos Papadopoulos Research Center, an academic institution devoted to the study of the Republic of Cyprus, and to the archiving of historical, political and diplomatic primary source material.
As with all her work through the years, the commitment is to always be seeking original ways for people to collaborate on the challenges most distinctively characteristic of the MENA region; to connect ideas, share solutions, best practices and innovations, with others. Moreover, to contribute to the transformation of creative collaboration into definitive collective action for this decade of increasing complexities within these shared challenges.
Grigoris I. Tsaltas
Em. Professor of International Law at Panteion University, former Rector, former Minister of Environment, Energy and Climate Change

Grigoris I. Tsaltas
Em. Professor of International Law at Panteion University, former Rector, former Minister of Environment, Energy and Climate Change
Grigoris I. Tsaltas, born in Athens, is an Emeritus Professor of International Law at Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences. He has served as Rector of Panteion University and is the Founding Director of the European Centre for Environmental Research and Training (EKePEK), the Jean Monnet Chair “European Union and Developing Countries” Holder and Member of the Board of the Institute of International Relations of Panteion University. He has also served as a Member of the Boards of the Hellenic Society of International Law and International Relations and the Aegean Institute for the Law of the Sea and Maritime Law and has been a Member of the Association Internationale du Droit de la Mer. In 2012 he was proclaimed chevalier dans l'ordre des Palmes Academiques by the French State.
In the past, he has served as Minister of Environment, Energy and Climate Change, Chairman of the Department of International and European Studies (2010-2012), Vice President of Association Internationale du droit de l'urbanisme (AIDRU), Chairman of UNESCO Attica Club as well as visiting professor at the following universities: University of Madrid (I.C.A.D.E.), Sorbonne, Tilburg, Louvain la Nueve, Dubrovnick, Krakovie, Cadi Ayat, Abidjan, and Cyprus.
He holds a Doctorat D’Etat en Droit (unanimously excellent) in International Law from the University of Legal and Economic Sciences of Nice, a Masters’ Degree from the Institut Européen des Hautes Etudes Internationales of the University of Nice, a Masters’ Degree in Public International Law specializing in the Law of Development from Institut du Droit de la Paix et du Développement of the University of Nice and a Degree in Political Science from Panteion University of Social and Political Science.
His research interests contain policies and international law of development, international law and international policy of environmental protection, international law of the sea, European policies of environmental protection, geography in international studies.
Angeliki Bourboulis
Dr., Alternative Director of Training Institute (INEP) Public Administration and Local Government

Angeliki Bourboulis
Dr., Alternative Director of Training Institute (INEP) Public Administration and Local Government
Doctorate in the Training of Public Officers in the Greek Public Administration in the field of teaching Foreign Languages to adults. MA in International Relations from the University of Kent at Canterbury (UK) and in Theoretical Linguistics from the University of Reading (UK). Graduate with honours and scholarship holder from the Department of English Language and Literature of the Kapodistrian University of Athens. She is a certified Adult Educator by EOPPEP and holds a Diploma in Team & Leadership Coaching (CTLC).
Διδακτορικό δίπλωμα στην εκπαίδευση δημοσίων υπαλλήλων της ελληνικής δημόσιας διοίκησης στον τομέα της διδασκαλίας ξένων γλωσσών σε ενήλικες. Μεταπτυχιακές σπουδές στις Διεθνείς Σχέσεις από το Πανεπιστήμιο του Kent στο Canterbury (Ηνωμένο Βασίλειο) και στη Θεωρητική Γλωσσολογία από το Πανεπιστήμιο του Reading (Ηνωμένο Βασίλειο). Απόφοιτος με άριστα και κάτοχος υποτροφίας από το Τμήμα Αγγλικής Γλώσσας και Φιλολογίας του Καποδιστριακού Πανεπιστημίου Αθηνών. Είναι πιστοποιημένη Εκπαιδεύτρια Ενηλίκων από τον ΕΟΠΠΕΠ και κάτοχος Διπλώματος στο Team & Leadership Coaching (CTLC).
Her main research interests are:
- The management and utilization of human resources through team dynamics and coaching,
- Lifelong learning and continuing education, and,
- The design, implementation and evaluation of training programmes for adultlearners.Angeliki Bourboulis has published and participated with her articles in books and peer-reviewed scientific conferences. Her studies and researches have been included in the reports of studies and articles of other researchers, in the international literature.
Kalliopi-Laoura “Polla” Damianou
Lawyer, LLM Political Scientist, City University of London, Greece

Kalliopi-Laoura “Polla” Damianou
Lawyer, LLM Political Scientist, City University of London, Greece
A practical thinker with a background of working experience in law offices, and newspapers. Possesses good management, legal, consulting, and administration skills, combined with excellent relationship building skills and a multi-occupied spirit. Very strong interest in international work experiences and opportunities, dedicated to her duties, tasks and daily work. Highly ambitious and willing to work hard in order to reach goals.
Academic Qualifications
LLM in International Economic Law
City University London 2015-2016
Coursework: International Banking Law, International Tax, Competition Law, Mergers, International Investment Law
LLB in (Greek) Law
European University of Cyprus 2013-2015
(Department of Law – School of Humanities and Social Sciences)
Bachelor on Political Sciences and Public Administration of Athens
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens 2006-2012
(Department of Political Sciences of the Law School in Athens)
Accredited mediator, registered in the Register of Accredited Mediators of the Ministry of Justice, Transparency and Human Rights (retraining on Extrajudicial Dispute Resolution Mechanism and Family Mediation).2017
Personal Data Protection Authority seminars in cooperation with the Athens Bar Association on the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) 2017, 2018
Greek (native speaker)
English (fluent - Proficiency of Michigan University / Lower of Cambridge)
French (very good level)
Spanish (basic level)
Professional Experience
To date: Partner in the law firm "Salavrakou & Damianou Law Firm" where I mainly focus in civil law, family law, labor law, commercial law and contracts.
10/2020 – 5/2023: Advisor to the Deputy Minister of Development and Investments, Mr. Nikos Papathanasis. I was mainly focused on the Strategic Investments and participated in the drafting of the new law on Strategic Investments (Law 4864/2021). At the same time, my main tasks were to answer parliamentary control questions, to participate on meetings with the Deputy Minister and to make recommendations to the Deputy Minister on decisions that needed to be made on matters in his portfolio.
10/2018 – 1/2020: Inhouse Lawyer at Hellenic Television S.A. where I mainly focused on contracts, Commercial Law, Labor Law and Civil Law as well as matters regarding the National Council for Radio and Television (NCRTV).
9/2017 – 10/2018: Associate at the law office "Andreas Petsas & Associates"
· Civil Law, Medical Law, Insurance Law
2015 Trainee Lawyer at Chrysa Salavrakou Law Office
· Gaining work experience practising on Law issues
· Depositing inclinations to the Court be half of the Lawyer representing
· Planning and organizing meetings
9/2014 – 12/2014 Law Intern in Hellenic Competition Commission
· Assessing in Merger Control Cases
· Assessing in Cases of Concerted Practices between undertakings
· Answer questionnaires and templates of the European Commission
2008-2009 Worked as a Journalist in “Eleftheros Typos” in the section of International News.
Travels, books, participating in international exhibitions and conferences, learning foreign languages, Member of the hiking team of European University
3rd INTERNATIONAL WATER FORUM Scientific Secretariat
Tereza Delia
Philologist, official translations of scientific textbooks, Greece

Tereza Delia
Philologist, official translations of scientific textbooks, Greece
2013 Primary Schools. Heraklion Attica
2008 5th High School . Nikaia Piraeus
- 1997.1997 FRENCH TEACHER
- 1998.1998 2nd High School . Nikaia Piraeus
1997 JEANNE D' ARC (Greek-French School ). Piraeus
NSRF (National Strategic Reference Framework).
ICT Teacher Training - Ministry of Education.
- 2002.2002 ICT Teacher Training - Ministry of Education.
Thessaloniki, Greece
Art, History, Literature, Theatre, Movies, Music, Travelling.
Maria Kourkoulou
Historian, Greece

Maria Kourkoulou
Historian, Greece
Maria Kourkoulou is a dynamic professional with a diverse skill set and extensive experience spanning various fields. With a solid educational background in history from the Ionian University, including a bachelor's, master's, and current pursuit of a doctoral degree, she demonstrates a commitment to academic excellence. Her career journey has seen her thrive in roles ranging from managerial positions in the hospitality industry to being a shareholder in a technical company. Maria's expertise extends to the public sector, having worked at the Public Employment Center of Faiakes Municipality and as an instructor at the public IEK of Corfu. Fluent in English with a good command of Italian, she possesses strong IT skills, including proficiency in Microsoft Office and advanced internet usage. Beyond her professional endeavors, Maria is deeply engaged in her community, holding memberships in various organizations such as the Maria Kallas Hellenic Society and the Red Cross. Her passion for reading, travel, cinema, and theater underscores her well-rounded personality and zest for life. With her blend of academic achievement, professional competence, and active community involvement, Maria Kourkoulou is a dynamic individual poised to make a significant impact in any endeavor she pursues.
Eleni Bastouni
Archaeologist, ERGOMAK S.M.P.C. Postgraduate student | Cultural Informatics and Communication, University of Aegean

Eleni Bastouni
Archaeologist, ERGOMAK S.M.P.C. Postgraduate student | Cultural Informatics and Communication, University of Aegean
Eleni Bastouni received her degree in Archaeology from the Faculty of Philosophy at the Department of History and Archaeology of the University of Ioannina in 2008. She achieved the highest score among 80 graduates (with honors). In the same year, she participated in a summer program organized by the Greek Ministry of Education in Oradea, Romania. The program focused on the excavation and promotion of the medieval castle in the city, as well as community involvement.
Following written examinations, Eleni was accepted into the interdepartmental and inter-university Postgraduate Program “Monument Management: Archaeology, City, and Architecture.” This program is jointly offered by the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, the University of Patras, and the University of the Aegean. During her studies, she took part in intensive summer workshops and architectural design courses in Delphi and Athens. These experiences aimed to promote and highlight archaeological sites and monuments.
Since 2022, Eleni has been enrolled in the Master’s Program in Cultural Informatics and Communication, specializing in the Design of Digital Cultural Products. She is part of the Department of Cultural Technology and Communication at the Faculty of Social Sciences of the University of the Aegean, where her current GPA is 9/10. Her thesis project focuses on the development and design of a digital augmented reality (AR) application for promoting the historic FIX Brewery, located on Syngrou Avenue in Athens (now the National Museum of Contemporary Art).
She participated in archaeological excavations in the broader area of Argolis under the supervision of the German Archaeological Institute and the Ephorate of Antiquities of Argolis. During the summer periods of 2004, 2005, and 2007, she worked at the prehistoric Acropolis of Tiryns and in the city of Argos. Additionally, as an archaeologist, she supervised earthworks related to the installation of optical fibers. These projects were carried out by the companies Egnatia Group (in 2023) and Ergomak S.M.P.C. (from 2024 to the present day) in the urban fabric of the western and northern suburbs of Attica. Her work is conducted under the supervision of the Ephorate of Antiquities of West Attica and the Ephorate of Antiquities of East Attica. Notably, these projects are associated with United Fiber, Public Power Corporation, and Hellenic Telecommunications Organization.
She has worked as a philologist (2008-2013), in the field of communication, including roles at Teleperformance Hellas, Tellas, the National Bank, BMW Austria Bank, and Geniki Bank from 2008 to 2018. Additionally, she participated in a doctoral candidate program in osteology as an assistant at the M. H. Wieber Lab of the American School of Classical Studies in Athens from February 2022 to March 2022. Furthermore, she has experience in text editing, having worked as an assistant notary in Piraeus (2022/2023) and contributed to a cultural magazine in Kallithea.
Since 2008, she has collaborated with UNESCO on various scientific topics, such as archaeology, history, energy, environment, and politics. She is a scientific advisor for the 3rd International Forum on Water, which will take place in Athens in May 2024.
She was a member of Lydia Lithos, a scientific association for economic history (2010-2015), and since 2022, she has been a member of the Aegean Prehistory Society “Aegeus”.
She has attended numerous seminars and conferences regarding history and archaeology, new technologies (e.g. GIS for archaeologists) and education, digital marketing and social media, e-commerce, entrepreneurship, diplomacy and energy. She has also attended multi-month courses or workshops, such as the "Quarterly interdisciplinary laboratory DELTA workshop "Digital Excavation through Learning and Training" of the Hellenic Open University, the National and Capodistrian University of Athens, Basilicata University (Italy) and Masaryk University (Czech Republic) and the program "Excavation Conservation and First Rescues for Archaeologists" of National University of Athens.
Her interests are related to cultural heritage and digital applications, including:
- Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), and Mixed Reality (MR) apps for mobile and fixed devices.
- Serious educational and cultural gaming.
- Ecomuseums and cultural heritage management.
- Local community participation in preserving cultural heritage.
- Landscape archaeology and cultural marketing.
- Maritime archaeology and storytelling.
- In1998, she was awarded the 3rd Prize in the Pan-Argolian Poetry-Prose Competition organized by the Argolis Literary Association.
- In 2008, she took the oath at the Department of History-Archaeology of the University of Ioannina during the spring ceremony.
- In 2023, she received the “UX Design” scholarship from MEXOXO in collaboration with Coursera and Google.org.
1. Bastouni E.-Bertaha K., a live interview with the painter Marina Papalabridi", Chorostasi-for Culture and Tradition, KEHOLP, vol. 37, 2011, 28-29.
2. Bastouni E., "Archaeological research in Limnes in Argolis", "Limnes: stations and in a long history", June 2011.
3. Bastouni E., "Eros flying from jewelries to coins..." (poster) and slide show (in collaboration with Dr. K. Prentzas): "coinage-jewellery", International Conference "Coinage/jewellery: Uses - Interaction. Symbolisms from Antiquity to the Present", Ios, June 2008.
Programming languages:
Software/Application Development Tools:
Unity 3D, Vuforia
3D graphics development software/tools:
Cinema4D, After Effect and Premiere
2D graphics creation software/tools:
Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, Figma
Tools for creating text-based games and interactive stories:
Twine (an open-source tool for telling interactive, nonlinear stories)
Omeka (open-source content management system for online digital collections)
English (C2)
German (A2)
Italian (A1/A2)
Konstantina Ntouva
HR - Recruitment Consultant

Konstantina Ntouva
HR - Recruitment Consultant
Konstantina Douva is a graduate of the Department of Social Sciences at Panteion University. Professionally, she has been involved in the field of Human Resources for three years now, and currently, she works at ManpowerGroup as a Recruitment Consultant. Additionally, she has participated in voluntary programs, specifically at the N.P.I.D. Epanodos, where she taught computer science to socially vulnerable groups. Personally, she is characterized by social sensitivity, communication skills, and a willingness to responsibly undertake new projects.
Anastasia Milopoulou
CEO, President, VP, Consultant & PR in major enterprises in Greece & Egypt

Anastasia Milopoulou
CEO, President, VP, Consultant & PR in major enterprises in Greece & Egypt
Born and raised in Alexandria - Egypt
- Served as CEO, President, VP, Consultant & PR in major enterprises in Greece & Egypt.
- Served as Board Member in " The Mount Sinai Foundation " Holy Monastery of St. Catherine / Sinai - Egypt.
-Served as Member in several Associations & Business Councils.
- Served as Member of the Organizing Committee for the Olympic Games " Athens 2004 " for the Hellenes abroad.
- Served as Board Member of the Greek Egyptian Association - Athens.
- Served as Board & Founding Member
" Friends of the Association for the Homeless of the Municipality of Athens "
- Member of the International Friends of the Bibliotheca Alexandrina , Athens chapter.
- Member of Al Nour Wal Amal Association for Girl's with impaired vision. Cairo - Egypt.
- Member of KΑΙΤΗ Papapostolou Foundation. Zurich - Switzerland.
- Organized, initiated fundraising & charity events / Directed , participated in several projects, exhibitions, conferences, lectures, concerts & cultural events in cooperation with government authorities, institutions , Hellenic Aid / MFA , Embassies, Unesco, Museums etc.
Fundraiser & Coordinator for the Hellenic " In Kind Donation " to the Bibliotheca Alexandrina - Archaeological Museum. Alexandria / Egypt.
- Egyptian Ministry of Higher Education.
- Special Olympics Hellas.
- Governorate of Alexandria.
- Governorate of New Valley- Upper Egypt.
- Bibliotheca Alexandrina - Alexandria / Egypt.
- Association of the Alumni of the Averofio School ,Alexandria.
ALEXANDRINA ( Library of Alexandria ).
- One thousand seven hundred & fifty ( 1.750 ) volumes from Family Library.
- A painting of Alexandria by renowned Greek painter Nikos Alexiou.
- Graduate : English Girl's College / EGC Alexandria / Egypt.
- Apolytirio : Averofio School, Alexandria ,Egypt ( Parallel studies ).
- London University GCE / London ,UK.
- B.A Degree : Athens Technological Institute ( Major in Interior design & Architecture ).
3rd INTERNATIONAL WATER FORUM Event Management – Public Relations
Ariadne Nikaki
Politics & Communication Consultant, Event Coordinator, Wine Strategist, Digital & Print Media Publisher, Greece

Ariadne Nikaki
Politics & Communication Consultant, Event Coordinator, Wine Strategist, Digital & Print Media Publisher, Greece
Ariadne Nikaki is a seasoned professional with over twenty years of experience in public relations, event management, branding, and business development. With a background in Politis & Communication (Public Relations) specialized in Political Communication, Ariadne has honed her expertise in personal and business branding, enhancing brand image, and implementing marketing strategies. Based in Athens, Greece, Ariadne possesses outstanding communication skills and a talent for networking, coupled with a creative mindset that enables her to innovate new techniques. She excels in both written and oral presentations, demonstrating exceptional organizational and prioritization skills to effectively balance multiple projects and demands. As the Founder & CEO of AriaPR, Ariadne has spearheaded numerous successful initiatives, including the establishment of Wine Illusion, a publication dedicated to exploring the world of taste and enjoyment. Her extensive experience encompasses diverse sectors, from medical tourism to the food and wine industry, where she has orchestrated exhibitions, tastings, and corporate events. Ariadne's leadership extends to mentoring and motivating subordinates, fostering a culture of voluntary initiative and high performance. She holds a BA in Communication and Political Science from SUNY New Paltz and a Certificate in WSET Level 1 Award in Wines, underpinning her comprehensive skill set and dedication to excellence.