Vasko Stojov
Personal life
Born in Skopje, 1966, Republic of Macedonia, SFRY. Married, two children.
Primary school and high school finalized in Skopje.
Title of qualification awarded B.Sc. in Civil Engineering; Principal subjects - Civil Engineering - Hydrotechnic
Faculty of Civil Engineering - Skopje "Ss. Cyril and Methodius" University.
Title of qualification awarded M.Sc. in Civil Engineering, Principal subjects Civil Engineering, department of Hydrotechnic
Faculty of Civil Engineering - Skopje "Ss. Cyril and Methodius" University, Republic of Macedonia
Since 1995 working in national Hydrometeorological Service.
Professional engagements
Working 30 years in National Hydrometeorological Service (NHMS), Head of Sector for Hydrology – 9 years, before as Head of Department for Hydrological Surface Water - 9 years, Hydrological Forecast Adviser – 8years, Professional Associates for Catchment Area. Responsible for planning, organizing and managing working programmes; planning and projecting the budget and monitoring the expenditures; managing team of observers nation-wide; managing team of hydrologist to operate stations and to do hydrometric measurement, to collect and to process data, to do data quality assurance; network design and deployment and maintenance of measurement stations; provision of data and products with an emphasis on quality assurance conducting analysis, writing reports and various documentations (Hydrological Information, Flood Forecasting, Water Balance); managing cooperation with international organizations and donors; writing and editing yearbooks with hydrological data; establishing and maintaining regular communication with stakeholders; organizing national and international events and participating as a speaker; member in national and international organizations responsible for hydrology or hydrometeorology, such as WMO; and many more.
Key achievements
UNDP Project: Integrated climate-resilient transboundary flood risk management in the Drin River basin in the Western Balkans
GIZ Project: Climate Change Adaptation in Western Balkan
UNDP Project - Polog-Flood Risk Management Plan for the Upper Vardar River Basin
Organizing work of the UNDP Project: Monitoring Programme for the Strumica River Basin
GIZ Regional Project-Flood Early Warning System in the Catchments of the Drin/Drim-Buna/Bojana Rivers, also in the same project, organizing and finalizing transboundary agreement for data exchange in the frame of the project between Albania, Montenegro, Kosovo and Macedonia (Memorandum for Cooperation-Prizren 2016), establishing unique system of data exchange through where all 4 countries have the same system of data exchange with help of MCH
Relevant experience, living abroad, additional skills
Since 1997 and onwards, active participant in international projects, conferences, commissions.
Member of National commission for UNESCO of N.Macedonia; Flash Flood Guidance System (FFGS) Focal Point for N.Macedonia; Hydrological Adviser to the Permanent Representative of N.Macedonia with WMO; Focal point from Hydromet Service of N.Macedonia (HMSM) for the project “Climate Change Adaptation in Western Balkan” (a joint cooperation project between the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) and relevant government ministries in Albania, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro; Participant - Hydrologic Research Center (HRC) Training Program, San Diego, USA, - Certificate of Completion “Southeast European Flash Flood Guidance System Operations four-week Training Program”; Participant - Royal Haskoning B.V., Witteveen&Bos and UNESCO-IHE (Delft, The Netherlands) Successfully completed the course: “Flood Risk Management and the Water Framework Directive”; Participant - IGSH – International German Summer school on Hydrology Rurh-University (Bochum, Germany) Attendance Certificate: Project Manager for HMS – River Monitoring System in Republic of Macedonia (Project RIMSYS) financed by Swiss Government; Participant in the organization body of “BALWOIS Conferences-Balkan Water Observation Information System”; Participant in the International Project “MED-HYCOS” – Supported by WMO and EU; Participant - Med-HYCOS Center (Montpellier, France) Training Course "Med-HYCOS Hydrological Data Base"; Participant - WMO and Water Resources Research Centre, VITUKI-Budapest, Hungary, Certificate for successfully completed Post-Graduate Course on "Hydrological Methods of Environmental Management".