Christos Stylianides
Minister of Maritime Affairs and Insular Policy of the Hellenic Republic

Christos Stylianides
Minister of Maritime Affairs and Insular Policy of the Hellenic Republic
Christos Stylianides has been Minister of Maritime Affairs and Insular Policy of the Hellenic Republic since September 13, 2023. On June 25, 2023 he was elected Member of the Greek Parliament with the New Democracy Party.
From September 2021 to May 2023 he served as the first Minister of Climate Crisis and Civil Protection of Greece.
Between 2014 and 2019 he served as European Commissioner for Humanitarian Aid and Crisis Management. During the same period he was EU Ebola Coordinator after his appointment by the European Council. He is considered the "architect" of rescEU, the bold initiative that upgraded significantly the European civil protection system.
In 2014 Christos Stylianides was also elected Member of the European Parliament (Democratic Rally Party of Cyprus/European People's Party). In two different periods he served as Government Spokesperson of the Republic of Cyprus (2013-2014 and 1998-1999). During the period 2006-2013 he was a Member of the House of Representatives of the Republic of Cyprus (elected in 2006 and 2011 with DISY) with a strong parliamentary record. From 2006 to 2011 he was also a member of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly and was elected a Member of its Bureau in 2012.
He has been Visiting Professor at the Department of Health Policy at the London School of Economics (LSE) in Great Britain, Visiting Professor in Practice at the Medical School of the University of Nicosia-Cyprus and at the Ruhr Universität Research School of Germany.
In May 2021, he was appointed EU Special Envoy for Freedom or Religion or Belief (FoRB).
In recognition of his work, Christos Stylianides received important honorary awards from governments and international organizations and institutions. Among other, he received the Golden Decoration of Honour by the Federal Agency for Technical Relief (THW) of the Federal Republic of Germany and the Honorary Award of Civil Protection of the Land of Baden-Wurttemberg (Germany) for his contribution to the upgrading of the European civil protection system. He was also named "Global Champion for Education in Emergencies" by the international organization Education Cannot Wait (ECW) and "Political Champion for Education in Emergencies" by the Malala Foundation. For his humanitarian action and contribution to coexistence and reconciliation he was awarded the "Peace and Reconciliation Prize" of the historic city of Guernica, Spain.
Giannis Maniatis
Professor at Piraeus University, Former Minister of Environment, Energy and Climate Change, Greece

Giannis Maniatis
Professor at Piraeus University, Former Minister of Environment, Energy and Climate Change, Greece
Dr. Eng. Yannis Maniatis is a Rural and Surveying Engineer (National Technical University of Athens). He is an Assoc. Professor at University of Piraeus since 2002 and a Visiting Professor at the Institute of Economic Geography of University of Bonn (1995).
Political and Social activity
Dr. Maniatis was elected as a Member of the Greek Parliament for the prefecture of Argolida for the Panhellenic Socialist Movement (PASOK) for the first time in the 2004 elections and re-elected in 2007, 2009, May 2012, June 2012 and September 2015 elections.
He has been:
- Minister of Environment, Energy and Climate Change (25.6.2013-26.01.2015)
- Secretary of PASOK Parliamentary Group (05.7.2012-25.6.2013)
- Deputy Minister of Environment, Energy and Climate Change (2009 -2012)
- Secretary General of the Ministry of Transport and Communications (1998 -2001)
- Chairman of the Athens Urban Transport Organisation (OASA) (2001 -2002)
- Chairman of the Postal Savings Bank (1998 -2000)
Academic Activity
Main academic fields include: Geographic Information Systems (G.I.S.), Energy and Transportation Policies and Systems, Environmental Management and Monitoring, Innovation Management and Digital Entrepreneurship.
Dr. Maniatis has participated with more than two hundred (200) scientific papers and lectures in international congresses and scientific magazines.
He is the author of the following books:
1. “Structural Reforms and Progressive Patriotism” (PAPAZISIS Eds, 2016)
2. “Energy and Natural Resources: National Pillars for Development” (A.A.LIVANIS Eds, 2012)
3. “The Challenge of Green Development” (Α.A.LIVANIS Eds, 2009)
4. “Geographic Information Systems and Environmental Monitoring” (ZITI Eds, 1995)
Andreas Gregoriou
Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Development and Environment, Cyprus

Andreas Gregoriou
Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Development and Environment, Cyprus
Andreas A. Gregoriou was born on 13th April 1965. He graduated from 10th Lyceum in Lemesos in 1983. He served his military duties in the National Guard and then he studied Economics at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, from which he obtained an economic degree in 1988. In 2006, he obtained a Master’s degree in Public Sector Management from the Cyprus International Institute of Management (CIIM).
In September 2020, he was appointed Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Development and Environment.
In addition, from July 2023, Mr. Gregoriou has specific responsibilities in the Presidency of the Republic of Cyprus as Director of the Presidency Administration.
In December 2019, he was appointed by the Council of Ministers at the post of Acting Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Justice and Public Order.
Prior to his appointment as Permanent Secretary, from February 2008, he served as Director of the Department of Postal Services. In November 2002, he was appointed Senior Officer, responsible for financial and legal issues at the newly created Office of the Commissioner of Electronic Communications and Postal Regulations (OCECPR), where he served until 2008. During that time, he was also responsible for the regulation of the Postal Services Sector in Cyprus with the transposition of EU-directives into national law.
From 1996 to 2002, he served as Officer in the Value Added Tax Service. During that period, between 1999 and 2001, he was seconded to the Directorate of Tax Policy of the Ministry of Finance.
From 1993 to 1996, he was appointed Customs Examiner at the Customs and Excise Department.
In 1992 he joined the Public Service, beginning his career as Assistant Taxation Officer at the Department of Inland Revenue, where he served until 1993.
In 1988 to 1992, he worked in the private sector.
Angelos Syrigos
Professor of International Relations, Panteion University, Former Deputy Minister of Education and Religious Affairs of Greece

Angelos Syrigos
Professor of International Relations, Panteion University, Former Deputy Minister of Education and Religious Affairs of Greece
Angelos (Evangelos) Syrigos is if. Professor of International Law and Foreign Policy at Panteion University.
He was born in Athens in 1966. He is a graduate of the Law School of the University of Athens and holds a PhD in Law from the University of Bristol.
He has worked at the University of Cambridge (1993-΄94), for the Council of Europe and as a lawyer for the Athens Bar Association.
He served as Secretary General at the Ministry of Interior responsible for immigration and citizenship (2012-2015) and as Special Secretary at the Ministry of National Education and Religions (2007-2009) responsible for Greek children abroad and Muslim children in Thrace.
He has served in positions of responsibility for foreign policy issues, minorities, transparency and telecommunications.
He was awarded in 1992 by the Academy of Athens for his work related to the delimitation of the continental shelf.
During his military service he was honored with a Commendation by the 4th Army Corps in Thrace for services to the minority of Thrace and with an Honorable Mention by the General Staff of the Army for his contribution to the creation of the Pomak-Greek dictionary.
He has written books on Greek-Turkish relations, the Cyprus issue, most recently on the Prespa Agreement, regularly writes articles in the press and comments on foreign policy issues in the media.
He was elected for the first time MP in the Athens Parliament with New Democracy on July 7, 2019.
He was sworn in as Deputy Minister of Education and Religions in charge of higher education issues on January 5, 2021.
He has been a member of the Standing Committee on National Defense and Foreign Affairs and the Special Standing Committee on European Affairs of the Greek Parliament, as well as a member of the Greek Delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE PA).
He is married to Irini Stamatoudi and they have three children.
Manolis Koutoulakis
General Secretary of Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Insular Policy, Greece

Manolis Koutoulakis
General Secretary of Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Insular Policy, Greece
Manolis Koutoulakis serves as a General Secretary of Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Insular Policy responsible for the Aegean and Insular Policy. Holds a Degree in Spatial & Urban Planning and Regional Development (Dip. Eng.) and has a MSc in Spatial Planning and Regional Policy. He is PhD candidate in International and European Relations at the University of Piraeus specialized in the research and analysis of the spatial and economic impacts of selected European policies in Greece.
He served as a Special Advisor at the Ministry of Development and Competitiveness (2010-2012) on issues related to the evaluation of Public and Private Investments, preparation of special funding schemes for entrepreneurship and monitoring of implementation of Public Investments Program.
During the period 2014-2015 he was a Special Advisor at the Ministry of Labor, Social Security and Welfare in the field of policy analysis and planning of Social Economy Programs, design of specific measures on the promotion of employment, formulation of Sectoral funding policy on Lifelong learning and Youth Guarantee Action Plan.
He has participated as an expert in International and European Organizations on public sector reforms projects with an emphasis on Local Development and Public Administration. He has also participated or coordinated the implementation of numerous development studies and programs for Municipalities, Regions and has acquired specialization in European funding, strategic and operational planning for public authorities regarding blue growth, insularity and localization of EU cohesion policy.
He was the head of the Liaison and Innovation Office at the University of Piraeus (2017-2019) and coordinator of the European Information Centre of European Commission Initiative “Europe Direct” for Piraeus and the Islands of Attica.
From July 2019 until April 2021 served as a Special Advisor to the Minister of Maritime Affairs and Insular Policy on the management of European Policies for the sectors of shipping, maritime transport, maritime security and surveillance along with blue economy, insularity and management of the digital transformation of the Ministry. He was the head of the team responsible for the drafting and final presentation of the new legal framework on the Integrated Maritime Policy in the Insular Territory (Law 4770/2021).
Giuseppe Tito Aronica
River Basin Management at the Department of Engineering, University of Messina, Italy

Giuseppe Tito Aronica
River Basin Management at the Department of Engineering, University of Messina, Italy
Giuseppe T Aronica is Full Professor of Flood Risk Management and Hydraulic Engineering at Dept. of Engineering, University of Messina from January 2018. He is graduated (M.Sc. in Hydraulic Engineering) from University of Palermo (Italy) in 1991. He holds a Ph.D. in Hydraulic Engineering from University of Naples (Italy).
He was visiting researcher at School of Geographical Sciences, University of Bristol (UK), Department of Environmental Science, Lancaster University (UK) and he has been Visiting Professor (2018) at Centre for Water Systems – University of Exeter (UK).
Research activities of Prof. Giuseppe T Aronica are related to flood risk management and flood defence design, flood vulnerability and damage evaluation, pluvial flooding, sustainable urban drainage systems, flood early warning flood propagation modelling, flash floods and debris flows.
He is currently Principal Investigator of many several national and international Research Project on the following topics: pluvial flooding, sustainable urban drainage systems, flood risk management and flood defence design.
Prof. Giuseppe T Aronica is author and co-author of more than 130 papers published in referred Italian and International scientific journals and symposium proceedings (SCOPUS metrics: 71 documents by author, 4162 citations, 28 H-index, Google Scholar: 6135 citations, 31 H-index).
He is Member of the editorial board of the Journal of Flood Risk Management, Water journal, European Water journal and Frontiers in Hydrosphere. He is Coordinator of the IAHR (International Association for Hydraulic Research) Urban Flood Modelling and Risk Management Working Group (UFMRM WG)
Eleni Athanasiou
Head of Department of Flood Risk - Water Scarcity Management & Management of Water Demand, Ministry of Environment and Energy, Greece

Eleni Athanasiou
Head of Department of Flood Risk - Water Scarcity Management & Management of Water Demand, Ministry of Environment and Energy, Greece
Dr. Eleni Athanasiou serves as the Head of the Department of Flood Risk Management, Water Scarcity & Demand Management (Directorate General for Water / Hellenic Ministry of Environment and Energy). She holds a BSc in Geology and MSc, PhD in Applied Geophysics (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki). She has over twenty years’ experience in natural disasters management and she was previously employed by the General Secretariat of Civil Protection and the National Observatory of Athens. Currently, she is working on the implementation of Directive 2007/60/EC "on the assessment and management of flood risks" in Greece by establishing flood risk management policy. She is representing Greece in European and International Expert Group meetings for water /flood related issues, such as : EU Water Directors, Strategic Co-Ordination Group, Working Group Floods, Ad-hoc Task Group on Water Scarcity & Droughts, UNECE.
Konstantinos Balomenos
Political & International Relations Scientist

Konstantinos Balomenos
Political & International Relations Scientist
Konstantinos Balomenos was born in Athens in 1968.
He is a Political and International Relations scientist.
He holds a degree on Administration and Economy from the Technological Educational Institute of Chalkis, as well as a degree from the Faculty of International and European Studies of Panteion University.
He holds a Master of Science (MSc) on Marketing & Communication with New Technologies from Athens University of Economics and Business.
He holds a PhD from the Faculty of International and European Studies of the
University of Piraeus. His thesis is entitled “The Strategic communication as a strategic tool and soft power factor in resolving international and business crises”, and was awarded an “Excellent” mark.
He is the author of the monograph: "Turkey's Strategic Communication campaign in operation "Peace Spring", and of the books: "International Terrorism and
Strategic Communication-Terrorist Crisis Management", "Greek-Turkish relations” and “Public opinion research on Management of the Greek-Turkish Crisis".
He began his career in 1984 in the private sector in parallel with his studies and while doing his service in the Hellenic Air Force. For many years, he had been working as communication consultant specialising in Marketing, Crisis Communication Management, as well as Strategic Communication.
He served as non-permanent staff at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and as a scientific collaborator at the office of the former Greek Prime Minister, Mr. Konstantinos Mitsotakis.
Brunella Bonaccorso
Assistant Professor of Hydrology and Water Resources Management at the Department of Engineering, University of Messina, Italy.

Brunella Bonaccorso
Assistant Professor of Hydrology and Water Resources Management at the Department of Engineering, University of Messina, Italy.
BRUNELLA BONACCORSO is an Associate Professor of Hydrology and Water Resources Management at the Department of Engineering, University of Messina (Italy). She holds an MSc in Civil Engineering and a PhD in Hydraulic Engineering from the University of Catania. She held a postdoc position at the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering of the University of Catania until September 2011, carrying out research activities on the identification and stochastic characterization of hydrological droughts and the definition of drought mitigation measures in water supply systems. Then she held the academic position of Assistant Professor at the Department of Engineering of the University of Messina before holding the current position of Associate Professor at the beginning of 2021. She has published more than 90 peer-reviewed scientific publications on the topic of risk assessment and management of extreme hydrological events and, more recently, on the study of the effects of climate change on the availability of water resources. She was co-editor of the book “Methods and Tools for Drought Analysis and Management” published by Springer (https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4020-5924-7). She is Associate Editor of the journal Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences (Copernicus) and the Hydrological Sciences Journal (Taylor and Francis). She has collaborated on various research projects at the national and European levels on the topic of water management in the Mediterranean area, such as MEDROPLAN (MEDA program) and SEDEMED (Interreg IIIB program). Currently, she is the local coordinator of the national projects funded by NextGenerationEU:
- PRIN PNRR “INnovative FOrecast-informed REServoir operations for sustainable use of water resources and climate change adaptation – INFORES”
- “Water Management Strategies and Climate Change Adaptation in Southern Italy – WaterWISE” within the PNRR project “Multi-Risk sciEnce for resilienT commUnities undeR a changiNg climate (RETURN)”
Since 2015 she has been the main convener or one of the co-conveners of the EGU session HS4.2 “Drought and water scarcity: monitoring, modelling and forecasting to improve drought risk management”. She was the guest editor, together with Dr Carmelo Cammalleri and Prof Athanasios Loukas, of the special issue on “Recent advances in drought and water scarcity monitoring, modelling, and forecasting” published on Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences between 2019 and 2020. She is also a member of the European Water Resources Association (EWRA).
Currently, she is supervising three PhD students whose research topics deal with water resources management under the threat of climate change and anthropogenic pressure.
Michalis Christakis
Dr. International Law, President “Kleisthenis Org", General Secretary of Phychico / Philothei Municipality

Michalis Christakis
Dr. International Law, President “Kleisthenis Org", General Secretary of Phychico / Philothei Municipality
Dr. Michalis Christakis -since 2011- is the President of the Panhellenic Association of General Secretaries (City Managers) in Municipal Authorities (Klesthenes) of Greece. From January 2007 until September 2015 served as General Secretary of the Municipality of Amaroussion (the city of 2004 Olympic Games, north of Athens, region of Attica). From 2015 to 2017 served as General Secretary of the Municipality of Dionyssos (North Atttica). Since May 2017 serves as General Secretary of the Municipality of Nea Smyrni (south of Athens, region of Attica). Since 2001, holds a tenure position as a national expert in the National Center for Public Administration and Local Government of the Ministry of Interior and Public Administration. He has been President for the Fisheries Sector for Greece on an EU PROJECT on baseline measurement and reduction of administrative costs for related businesses for the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). He has been a Special Advisor in the Ministry of Health and Social Solidarity, the Hellenic Ministry for the Environment, Physical Planning and Public Works, the Ministry of Public Order and the Hellenic Agency for Local Development and Local Government. He holds a Degree in Political Sciences and Public Administration (University of Athens – Greece), a Masters Degree in European Studies (University of Reading – UK), and a Doctorate in International Relations (University of KENT – UK). He has lectured in the fields of European Policies, Public Administration and International Relations in the National School of Public Administration and Local Government, the Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences in Athens – Greece and Military Academies.
Fadi Comair
Professor, The Cyprus Institute, UNESCO-IHP CHAIR (2019-2023)

Fadi Comair
Professor, The Cyprus Institute, UNESCO-IHP CHAIR (2019-2023)
Since November 2019, Fadi Georges Comair has been the Chairman of the Board of UNESCO's Intergovernmental Hydrological Program IHP (2019-2021) and the representative of Arab countries as IHP Vice-President (2021-2023). He is also Professor at the Cyprus Institute and Director of the Research, Environment, Energy and Water Centre - EEWRC-( 2021-2023). He is the Honorary President of the Mediterranean Network of Basin Organizations (MENBO 2009-2011) and Vice-President of the Euro-Med System for Information for Water Professions (EMWIS). His experience as a negotiator and mediator on international basins (Jordan, Orontes, Nile, Euphrates and Tigris, Kebir) led Mr. Comair to initiate the concept of hydrodiplomacy and Nexus Water-Energy-Food- Ecosystem and whose goal is to establish water peace at the level of transboundary basins and to apply the Nexus in the management of water bodies to secure future generations.
As Director of the EEWRC, he contributed in the Climate Change Initiative that the Cypriot Government has launched and coordinated the Water Task Force of this initiative targeting the EMME Region. The Initiative gives details on the urgent need for actions to mitigate the impacts of climate change, the Partnership Program for Hydrodiplomacy, Migration, Dialogue, Biodiversity, the deployment of renewable energies throughout the EMME region. In his capacity as President of the Intergovernmental Hydrological Program UNESCO-IHP, Fadi Comair initiated under his mandate, the first IHP Academy which is an intergovernmental platform, identified as the UNESCO-IHP Academy of Coastal Environmental Cooperation for Metropolitan Eco-Sustainable Development "ECOMED".
He also launched the Strategic Plan for the ninth phase of the Intergovernmental Hydrological Programme (IHP-IX) covering 2022-2029 identifies key water priority areas to support Members States to achieve Agenda 2030 and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), specially water related SDGs and other water-related global agendas, such as the Paris agreement on climate change, Sendai Framework on Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) and the New Urban Agenda (NUA).
He also presides the French Water Academy in 2021 and MEDURABLE association and since 2015 has organized an annual symposium on "Hydrodiplomacy and Climate Change for Peace in the Middle East" at the French Senate. He is also a member of the governors of the Arab Water Council AWC.
Mr. Comair has received the honorary title of Diplomat, Water Resources Engineer (DWRE) from the American Academy of Water Resources Engineers (AAWRE) and is a member of the French Academy of Overseas Sciences “Académie des Sciences d'Outre-Mer” (ASOM) and a Knight of the Legion of Honor and the National Order of Merit in France.
In 1987, he began his professional career in France and was head of department at the Concrete Industry Study and Research Center “Centre d'Étude et de Recherche de l'Industrie du Béton” (CERIB) affiliated to the Ministry of Industry and then Director General at the Ministry of Energy and Water in Lebanon and President of the Litani River Authority.
Throughout his professional career, Fadi Comair has carried the mission of innovating, launching themes and initiatives on innovation, research and technology for France and Lebanon, and it is in this context that he contributed to the drafting of the “Atlas of Sustainable and Responsible Development” for France, within the framework of the UfM project advocated by the Presidency of the Republic and the "French Seismic Rules" as a representative of CERIB and was thus a member of the editorial board of these works in 1992, 1996 and 2000.
Fadi Comair contributed to the foundation of the Union for the Mediterranean, the launch of the Water Strategy of this union and was one of the initiators of the Mediterranean Solar Plan "PSM".
Mr. Comair is the author of more than 200 publications, including books related to water resources management at the national and transboundary levels, sustainable development and hydrodiplomacy.
Alexandros Despotopoulos
Dr. International Law

Alexandros Despotopoulos
Dr. International Law
Alexandros Despotopoulos is an international Relations Expert, a graduate in European Studies, and holds two MBAs - International Economics. His PhD at the Department of Turkish and Contemporary Studies of the University of Athens is focused on Greece's maritime zones under the prism of geopolitical analysis. His research interests are related to European integration and especially to the geopolitical analysis of European Economic Zones delimitation in the Mediterranean. He has successfully completed a certificate programme in Globalization at the University of Oxford, as well as a Certificate in Counselling, with a focus on negotiations. He is fluent in English and basic Spanish. Alexander has over 20 years of experience in international relations and project management in the framework of European Union Community initiatives, working with numerous educational institutions across Europe. He has been awarded by the NIKI Association for his contribution to People with Disabilities and by the International Youth Chamber for his pioneering contribution to the development of project management in Greece.
Dimitrios Dimitriou
First Vice President of the ΕΒΕΑ-ACCI

Dimitrios Dimitriou
First Vice President of the ΕΒΕΑ-ACCI
Mr. D. Dimitriou was born in Athens and received his architectural degree from the University of Rome (Italy). In the year 1981, he established his own architectural firm that is active up to today with main activity on the design of housing and commercial buildings. From 1988 he is president and CEO of D. DIMITRIOY ‘S.A.’ company that deals mainly with the development of private projects.
D. Dimitriou is an active member of the Technical Chamber of Greece and the Greek Architects Association, participating in several architectural and technical committees. He served as member at the bord of Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS).
Since 2002 he is elected member of the board of directors of Athens Chamber of Commerce and Industry and during the period 2006- 2011 he was president of the Industrial Department of the Chamber. From 2022 he is the first vice President of the Chamber.
He has been appointed as member of the board of directors of the Construction Company ARCHITECTONET S.A, TEBENAXT S.A. and DIONYSSOS MARBLE GROUP OF COMPANIES.
Since January 2012 he was consultant of General Secretariat of Public Property at the Ministry of Finance and since February 2013 he also Head at the Hellinikon Office, established in the same Ministry, with the aim of coordinating the actions necessary for the realization of the investment at the old airport of Hellinikon.
Among his other activities, he provides technical and investment recommendation at many Greek and Foreign companies related to construction, tourism development and real estate projects. More specifically he engaged in real estate projects in Greece, Serbia- Israel, Rumania, Israel and Egypt, while he also co-operates with investors from various countries for investments in Greece.
Dimitrios Emmanouloudis
Professor, Unesco Chairholder on Conservation & Ecotourism of Riparian and Deltaic Ecosystems Vice-President of Advisory Committee

Dimitrios Emmanouloudis
Professor, Unesco Chairholder on Conservation & Ecotourism of Riparian and Deltaic Ecosystems Vice-President of Advisory Committee
He is a graduate of the Department of Forestry and Natural Environment of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and holds a PhD in the field of "Mountain Water Management" from the same School. He completed his postdoctoral studies at the Polytechnic University of Madrid, where he received the honorary distinction of "Ingeniero de Montes de Honor". He has been a Full Professor at the Department of Forestry and Natural Environment of Drama since 2008. He served as Vice President of International and European Affairs at the Technological Educational Institute of Eastern Macedonia and Thrace (TEI EMTh) from 2008 to 2017 and as Vice-Rector of the same Institution from 2017 to 2019. He has coordinated thirty-one (31) International and National competitive Research Programs to date and has served as Director of the Postgraduate Program "Water Resources Management in the Mediterranean" and the MSc Program "Human and Water", while he is also the Director of the Interdepartmental MSc Program "Analysis and Management of Human-induced and Natural Disasters", jointly implemented by the Democritus University of Thrace and the Hellenic Fire Service. Since 2016, he has held the UNESCO Chair on Management and Protection of Coastal and Deltaic Ecosystems, since 2019 he has been the Director of the Laboratory "Hydrometeorological Disasters and Climate Change Monitoring" at the Department of Forestry and Natural Environment of the Democritus University of Thrace, and since 2021 he has been the Director of the Established Research Laboratory for Analysis and Management of Human-induced and Natural Disasters – ASSIST, which as of March 13, 2024, belongs to the Democritus University of Thrace. His published work includes fourteen (14) books and more than two hundred and fifty (250) research papers.
Elissavet Feloni
Dept. of Surveying and Geoinformatics Engineering, School of Engineering, University of West Attica

Elissavet Feloni
Dept. of Surveying and Geoinformatics Engineering, School of Engineering, University of West Attica
Dr Elissavet Feloni is adjunct lecturer at the School of Engineering, University of West Attica. As a researcher, she collaborates on projects with the Centre for Hydrology and Informatics (Department of Water Resources and Environmental Engineering, School of Civil Engineering, National Technical University of Athens), with the Laboratory of Climatology and Atmospheric Environment (Faculty of Geology and Geoenvironment, University of Athens) and she had a postdoctoral fellow at the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science and Engineering (Cyprus University of Technology) with a full postdoctoral scholarship by the Bodossaki Foundation. She holds Bachelor in Geology and Geoenvironment from School of Science (NKUA), MSc in Water Resources Science & Technology (NTUA), MSc in Prevention & Management of Natural Disasters (NKUA) and PhD from the School of Civil Engineering (NTUA) that was financially supported by the Onassis Foundation Scholarships Program. She has ten-year experience as a researcher in EU and GR funded research projects in the research fields of water resources management, hydrology, hydrometeorology, climate change, floods, renewable energy and relevant GIS applications. She has co-authored more than 50 articles in international peer-review journals and international conferences and is a reviewer on numerous scientific journals.
Kostas Ifantis
Professor of International Relations and President of the Institute of International Relations, Panteion University, Greece

Kostas Ifantis
Professor of International Relations and President of the Institute of International Relations, Panteion University, Greece
Kostas Ifantis is Professor of International Relations, Department of International, European and Area Studies, Panteion University of Athens. He worked as a Lecturer in International and European Politics at the Universities of Bradford and Portsmouth, UK (1991-1995). Also he served as an Assistant Professor (1998-2003) and an Associate Professor (2003-2015) at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. He was a USIA Visiting Fellow at the Center for Political studies, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor (1998) a Fulbright Visiting Scholar at the John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University (2002), an IAA Senior Research Fellow at the LSE (2009), and a Visiting Professor at the University of Seoul (Summer 2016). In the period 2012-2020 he was a Visiting Professor at Kadir Has University, Istanbul. Between 2005 and 2008 he served as Director for Research at the Policy Planning Center of the Greek Ministry of Foreign Affairs. His papers have appeared in edited books and in periodicals such as Democratization, Turkish Studies, Southeast European and Black Sea Studies, Perceptions, International Journal, Journal of Southern Europe and the Balkans, International Relations, UNISCI Journal on International Relations and Security, Global Review etc.
His books include Greece in a Changing Europe, (co-ed., Manchester University Press, 1996); NATO in the New European Order, (Macmillan, 1996); Theory and Reform in the European Union, (Manchester University Press, 2002); and NATO and the New Security Paradigm, (Frank Cass 2002); Turkish-Greek Relations: The Security Dilemma in the Aegean, (co-ed., Routledge, 2004); International Security Today (co-ed., SAM, 2006); Multilateralism and Security Institutions in an Era of Globalization, (co-ed., Routledge, 2009); Turkey’s road to European Union membership: national identity and political change, (co-ed., Routledge, 2009). International Political Theory: The charm of realist discourse (in Greek, 2012); Is Europe Afraid of Europe? (ed., Wilfrid Martens Center, 2014); The Syrian Imbroglio: International and Regional Strategies (co-ed., The Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, European University Institute, 2017), “Deciphering the Greek Crisis: Issues, Failures, Challenges” (guest co-ed, Special Issue in International Relations/Uluslararasi Iliskiler, Vol 15, No 58, 2018).
Ifigenia Kagalou
Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Democritus University of Thrace, Greece

Ifigenia Kagalou
Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Democritus University of Thrace, Greece
Dr. Ifigenia Kagalou is a Professor in the field of "Water Environment Protection & Ecology" at the Department of Civil Engineering of the Polytechnic School , Democritus University of Thrace. She has a doctoral degree in ecology & water hygiene and postdoctoral studies at the University of Western Australia (Perth) and her research activity extends to the monitoring, protection and management of aquatic ecosystems combined with applied practice in "real conditions" where decisions affect society, the economy and the environment She is the author and/or co-author of 70 scientific articles in scientific journals, 130 conference proceedings, 3 book volumes and more than 100 scientific communications . She has received funding from more than 25 European and National research projects and is a reviewer in more than 10 scientific journals. She was for 14 years in the role of President of Lake Ecosystem Management Bodies (Pamvotidas and Karlas), she is a National representative for the implementation of the Water Framework Directive, while she was also a regular member of the NATURE 2000 Committee.
Angeliki Kallia
Attorney at Law, European Environmental Law Expert, Professor at the National School of Public Administration, Greece

Angeliki Kallia
Attorney at Law, European Environmental Law Expert, Professor at the National School of Public Administration, Greece
Attorney at Law, Member of Thessaloniki Bar Association.
Master in International and Comparative Law, PhD in European Environmental Law
Professor on European and Hellenic environmental law at the National School of Public Administration, and at the Hellenic International University
Former Member of the National Council of Land Planning and Sustainable Development,
as well as of the Administrative Council of the National Organization of Alternative Management of Packaging and OtherWaste.
Founding Member of the Environmental Law Association
Ms Kallia has worked as an expert on European Environmental Legislation, in the European Institutions (European Commission, European Parliament) in Brussels (20 years) with various teams involving experts from all member states of the EU, as well as non-Europeans.
Author of more than hundred publications on EU Policy and Law, in particular institutional law, environmental law, international law, comparative law.
Mostafa Kamel Elsayed
Water Resources Advisor & Head of the Middle East Regional Office, Arab League Organization for Agricultural Development, Egypt

Mostafa Kamel Elsayed
Water Resources Advisor & Head of the Middle East Regional Office, Arab League Organization for Agricultural Development, Egypt
Mostafa Kamel Elsayed is a highly qualified water resources and environmental engineer with over 30 years of progressive experience designing and implementing a broad spectrum of water resource and environmental management projects of varying scales for sustainable development in the Middle East and North Africa region.
Dr. Elsayed authored and co-authored many publications, from books, peer-reviewed papers, book chapters, and conference papers to different project reports. He served as the editor-in-chief of the book titled "Water, Energy, and Food Security Nexus in the Arab Region" and the book titled "Policy Perspectives for Ecosystems and Water Management in the Arabian Peninsula" by the United Nations University (UNU). A group of highly regarded academics with extensive experience in the Arab region specializing in water management, energy, food, and ecosystems co-edited and co-authored these books. Dr. Elsayed participated in many workshops, seminars, and conferences that addressed different water resources and environmental issues, strategies, and policies in the Middle East and North Africa.
He holds a B.Sc. in civil engineering, a master’s degree in civil and environmental engineering, a Ph.D. in water resources management, a sustainability certificate, and a Carbon Auditing diploma. He heads the Middle Regional Office of the Arab Organization for Agricultural Development (AOAD) (five Arab countries). At the same time, he is the water resources expert for AOAD (twenty-two Arab countries). He joined Egypt's National Water Research Centre (NWRC), the Ministry of the Environment and Urban Planning, Doha, Qatar, and the Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change, Ontario, Canada. He has experience in a wide range of water, municipal, and environmental issues, including water and wastewater treatment, water resources and environmental engineering, sanitary and stormwater management, environmental monitoring and compliance, monitoring, and control of different water resources, water resources management and development, modeling of water resources systems, environmental policy formulation, the water-energy-food security nexus, water desalination, and environmental sustainability.
Dr. Elsayed holds membership in many professional active organizations working in the field of water resources management on local, regional, and international scales, such as Professional Engineers Ontario (PEO), Canada, the Egyptian Engineering Syndicate, Cairo, Egypt, the Arabian Peninsula Environment Network (APEN), UNESCO, the UN, and the Nile Basin Water Professionals Grid. He is also certified as a carbon footprint auditor in Egypt.
Michalis Karakatsanis
Meteorologist-National Weather Center USA, Member International Association of Broadcast Meteorology (IABM), (W.M.O). r. officer of Hellenic Air Force.

Michalis Karakatsanis
Meteorologist-National Weather Center USA, Member International Association of Broadcast Meteorology (IABM), (W.M.O). r. officer of Hellenic Air Force.
General Secretary of the Municipality of Hersonissos (September 2019-January 2024).
section "Environmental, Disaster and Crisis Management Strategies",
Department of Geology.
Member of the Hellenic Meteorological Society, as well as the International
Association of Broadcast Meteorology (IABM)
Organization (W.M.O)
in the National Meteorological Service (EMS).
(as well as the Ministry of National Defence (Military Office of
Minister of Defence as Executive Adviser to the Minister).
Greek Embassy in Rome (Italy) and Bern (Switzerland).
Interdisciplinary School of Special Weapons .
(NATO SCHOOL Oberammergau-Germany).
War, Nuclear and Biochemical Warfare, Special Weapons and Staff
NATO officers.
Nikolaos Katopodes
Professor, Department of Civil Engineering and Environment, University of Michigan, USA

Nikolaos Katopodes
Professor, Department of Civil Engineering and Environment, University of Michigan, USAEDUCATION:
B.S., Aristotle UniversityB.S.E., M.Sc., Ph.D., University of California, Davis.ACADEMIC AND RESEARCH EXPERIENCE:
· Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Michigan (1980-Date)· Aristotle University, Greece.
· Disaster prevention Agency of Korea.
· University of Karlsruhe.
· University of Hannover.
· Delft Hydraulics Laboratory.
· Chuo University, Tokyo, Japan.
· Storm and Flood Laboratory, National Disaster Prevention Agency, Japan.
· Egyptian Ministry of Irrigation, Egypt.
· National Institute of Hydraulics, Argentina.HONORS AND AWARDS:§ Monroe-Brown Foundation Education Excellence Award (2017).
§ ProQuest distinguished dissertation award for a directed Ph.D. thesis (2017).
§ Honorary Doctorate, University of Thessaly, Greece (2013).
§ Best Paper Award, 5th ASME Conference on Dynamic Systems and Control, Fort Lauderdale (2012).
§ Horace H. Rackham Distinguished Achievement Award (2010).
§ James A. Robbins Teaching Excellence Award, National Civil Engineering Honor Society (2009 &2001).
§ Fellow, American Society of Civil Engineers (2008).
§ Professor of the Year, ASCE student Chapter, Univ. of Michigan (2008).
§ Bernard S. Baker Award for a directed Ph.D. thesis (2008).
§ Chapter Honor Member, National Civil Engineering Honor Society (2002).
§ Best Research Paper Award, EWRI, American Society of Civil Engineers (2000).
§ College of Engineering Excellence in Research Award, University of Michigan (1999).
§ Lorenz G. Straub Award for a directed Ph.D. thesis (1999).
§ Alexander von Humboldt Award, Federal Republic of Germany (1997 & 1988).§ Outstanding Paper Award, 3rd ICHE, Berlin/Cottbus, Germany, (1998).§ College of Engineering Excellence in Teaching Award, Univ. of Michigan (1994).§ Karl Emil Hilgard Prize, American Society of Civil Engineers (1990).§ Fellow, Dutch Science Foundation (1988-89).§ Fellow, German Research Society (1987).§ Fellow, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (1987).§ J.C. Stevens Award, American Society of Civil Engineers (1984).RECENT KEYNOTE LECTURES:
§ “Instability of Flow between Rotating Disks,” 11th CHAOS International Conference, Rome, Italy, 2018.
§ “Detection and Control of Hazardous Releases,” CREATE International Conference on Natural Disaster Prevention, Douliou, Taiwan, 2016.
§ “Impact of Climate Change on River Dynamics,” International Conference on Watershed Modeling and Environmental System Development, Nanjing, China, 2014.
- “Cyber-Enabled Scenarios of Extreme Events due to Climate Change,” 10th International Conference on Hydroscience and Engineering, Orlando, Florida,
- “Source Inversion and Plume Control in Infrastructure Systems,” 40th Anniversary Symposium, Japan Society of Fluid Mechanics, Kobe, Japan, 2008.
- “Control of Flow and Mixing in Environmental Flows,” 3nd Sino-American Symposium on Advanced Computational Modeling, Honolulu, Hawaii, 2008.
- “Detectability, Assimilation and Controllability of Environmental Flows,” 7th International Conference on Hydroscience and Engineering, Philadelphia, 2006.
- “Adaptive Control of Hydraulic Systems by Microsensor Arrays,” XXX Congress, International Association for Hydraulic Research, Thessaloniki, Greece, 2003.
- Free-Surface Flow: Environmental Fluid Mechanics, Elsevier, ISBN: 9780128154892
- Free-Surface Flow: Shallow Water Dynamics, Elsevier, ISBN: 9780128154878
- Free-Surface Flow: Computational Methods, Elsevier, ISBN: 9780128154854
Journals Papers:
- Oscar Castro-Orgaz, , Hager, W.H. and Katopodes, N.D., "Variational Models for Nonhydrostatic Free-Surface Flow: A Unified Outlook to Maritime and Open-Channel Hydraulics Developments," Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 2023, 149(7)
- Ivanov, V.Y., Xu, D., Dwelle, M.C., Sargsyan, K., Wright D.B., Katopodes, N., et al, "Breaking Down the Computational Barriers to Real-Time Urban Flood Forecasting," Geophysical Research Letters, 10.1029/2021
- Haria, , McCallum, J., Fujii, Y., Tsuchiya, T., Miyagawa, M., Nakamura, S., Wendel, M., Katopodes, N., "Characterization and Modeling of Wet Clutch Actuator for High-Fidelity Propulsion System Simulations," SAE Technical Paper, 2020-01-1414, 2020.
- Wang, , Katopodes, N. and Fujii, Y., "Two-Phase MRF Model for Wet Clutch Drag Simulation,"
SAE Int. J. Engines 10(3):2017
- Warnock, , Kim, J., Ivanov, V., and Katopodes, N., "Self-Adaptive Kinematic-Dynamic Model for Overland Flow," Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 140(2), 169-181, 2014.
- Manolidis, and Katopodes, N., "Bed Scouring During the Release of an Ice Jam," Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 2, 370-385; April 2014.
- Kim, , Ivanov, V. and Katopodes, N.D., " Modeling erosion and sedimentation coupled with hydrological and overland flow processes at the watershed scale," Water Resources Research, Volume 49, Issue 9, pages 5134-5154, September 2013
- Kim, J, Warnock, A., Ivanov, V. and Katopodes, N.D., " Coupled modeling of hydrologic and hydrodynamic processes including overland and channel flow," Advances in Water Resources, 37, 104-126, 2012
- Katopodes, D., "Control of Sudden Releases in Channel Flow, Journal of Fluid Dynamics Research, Volume 41, Number 6, 2009.
- Sanders, F. and Katopodes, N.D., “Sensitivity Analysis of Shallow Water Flow by Adjoint Method,
Journal of Engineering Mechanics, 2000, Vol. 126, No. 9, pp. 909-919.
- Sanders, F. and Katopodes, N.D., “Active Flood Hazard Mitigation. Part II: Omnidirectional Wave Control,” Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, ASCE, 1999, Vol. 125, No. 10, pp. 1071-1083.
- Bradford, S. and Katopodes, N.D., “Hydrodynamics of Turbid Underflows. Part II: Aggradation, Avulsion and Channelization," Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, ASCE, October 1999, Vol. 125, No 10, pp. 1016-1028.
Piasecki, M. and Katopodes, N.D., “Control of Contaminant Releases in Rivers and Estuaries. Part II: Optimal Design” Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, ASCE, 1997, Vol. 123, No. 6, pp. 493-503
Paata Kervalishvili
Professor, Dr. of Sciences, President of the EuroMediterranean Academy of Arts and Sciences

Paata Kervalishvili
Professor, Dr. of Sciences, President of the EuroMediterranean Academy of Arts and Sciences
- Professor, Doctor of Sciences and Dr. Eng. Paata J. Kervalishvili (born 1949) is
- Professor at department of Physics within Georgian Technical University, as well as
- Professor of faculty of exact and natural sciences of Tbilisi State University.
From 1970 until 1992 Prof. Kervalishvili was researcher and Director in different research and technology centers within the Middle Machinery Ministry (State Committee for Atomic Energy) of former USSR main body of the Soviet atomic energy and weapon industry (Institute of Stable Isotopes, The Soviet State institute of Rare Metals, Sukhumi Physical Technical Institute, I. Kurchatov
Institute of Atomic Energy) In 1994 1999, after one year in Parliament of Georgia he worked in Government of Georgia (as Secretary of State in the State Committee
for Science and Technology, Assistant to President of the State in Science and Technology)
A condensed matter physicist with Technical University Diploma, Dr. Kervalishvili has served in several directions of physics and technology such as: condensed
matter, molecular and quantum physics, nuclear and laser technologies, novel materials, sensory systems, energy and information technologies. He is author of
more than 450 scientific publications, books, manuals, and inventions and among them scientific bestsellers published by IOS Press, Pergamon Press, Springer.
Prof. Kervalishvili is a member of more than 10 top level academies and research councils and among them: full member of American, European, Russian and
Georgian scientific academies, Georgian Engineering academy and other distinguish organizations. Currently he is the President of Georgian Academy of Natural Sciences and President of Euro Mediterrane an Academy of Arts and Sciences.
Dr. Kervalishvili received more than 20 prestigious prizes and state orders and among them USSR, Georgia, Germany, Italy, different public organizations,
scientific academies and universities (USA, Greece, Russia, Turkey, Romania, etc.)
As a Director and coordinator of several (more than 90) World Bank, EU, ISTC, etc. d coordinator of several (more than 90) World Bank, EU, ISTC, etc. projects and Chairman of International Forums and Conferences (more than 60), projects and Chairman of International Forums and Conferences (more than 60), as well as Professor of some well known European and American Universities he has as well as Professor of some well known European and American Universities he has the wide international experience.
P. Kervalishvili received his B.S. and M.S. in engineering physics from Georgian li received his B.S. and M.S. in engineering physics from Georgian Technical University. The Soviet State institute of Rare Metals awarded him the Technical University. The Soviet State institute of Rare Metals awarded him the title of Ph. D., and Dr.title of Ph. D., and Dr.--Eng. in 1979, and Soviet atomic centre “Kurchatov Institute” Eng. in 1979, and Soviet atomic centre “Kurchatov Institute” –– degree of Doctor of pdegree of Doctor of physics and mathematics (1985). hysics and mathematics (1985). He got USSR Professor State He got USSR Professor State title in 1989.title in 1989.
Christos Kitsos
Professor Emeritus in Statistics, Department of Informatics, University of West Attica, Greece

Christos Kitsos
Professor Emeritus in Statistics, Department of Informatics, University of West Attica, Greece
Christos P. Kitsos was born in Athens, in 1951. He got his BSc degree in Math at the Univ. of Athens, on 1973, his MA degree in Math and Stat at Univ. of New Brunswick, Canada on 1978 and his PhD degree with his thesis on “ Design and Inference in Nonlinear Problems” at Univ. of Glasgow, UK on 1986.
He worked as STATISTICIAN at the early stage of his career to a number of jobs including the Greek Statistical Service, Greek Army, Athens Urban Transportation System, and Electrical Buses of Athens, and since 1986 he devoted his activities lecturing at Greek Universities.
He joined under various contracts the Greek Universities of Patras, Athens, Thessaly, Aegean, AUEB, while he spend his activity as a Professor of Statistics at the former TEI of Athens (one –out of the three- branch of the new University of West Attica), for 30 years – he is an Em Prof. now.
His research activities can be traced at Technometrics, Biometrics, IEEE, Comm. in Stat., REVSTAT among others, as well in proceedings volumes with a total more than 180 today (18/4/24), with more than 1060 citations and about 33000 reads (Research Gate).
He is co-editor of 8 international volumes (Physica-Verlag, Springer, Wiley), a number of Greek volumes and 8 textbooks for Statistics in Greek. His research interests concern, Optimal Experimental Designs, Information measures, Industrial Statistics, Environmental problems, Tolerance Regions, Cancer Bioassays etc.
For a full CV see www.cpkitsos.gr or search at Christos P. Kitsos.
Theofanis Kofidis
Journalist, Head of Think Club EANOS, Political & Business Communication, Television & Radio production, Organizing research and themed events, Greece

Theofanis Kofidis
Journalist, Head of Think Club EANOS, Political & Business Communication, Television & Radio production, Organizing research and themed events, Greece
• Communication and PR services (with a focus on political & business communication).
• Journalistic analysis.
• Television and radio production.
• Organizing research and themed events.
A)Candidate Member of Parliament for Rodopi with the ND in the 2023 elections (a’ runner-up MP).
B) President of the non-profit Association « Idea Meeting Group EANOS». Nationwide participation association, with the aim of strengthening the enlightenment of our society in the fields of science, politics, self-government, international relations, history, philosophy, psychology and development
Actions: Events, Workshops and speeches (with an expanded audience, due to live broadcast in the media).
C)2020-2022 Member of the Board of Directors and Communication manager at the GAS Komotini sports basketball club (with emphasis on the integration of Muslim children into sports departments and academies).
D)2001-2003 Head of the majority on the Board of Directors in the Greek Community of Hanover (FDR).
Completion of all six key years of theoretical & practical training at the Faculty of Medicine of the Ludovician Maximilian University of Munich (Ludwig Maximilian Universitaet Muenchen), without the degree cycle-title.
• German.
• English.
• Turkish learning phase .
HEALTH CORPS (2003-2004).
Silvia Kohnova
Head of the Department of Land and Water Resources Management Faculty of Civil Engineering, STUBA Bratislava Prof., Ing., PhD.

Silvia Kohnova
Head of the Department of Land and Water Resources Management Faculty of Civil Engineering, STUBA Bratislava Prof., Ing., PhD.
Silvia Kohnová, is a professor at the Department of Land and Water Resources Management, SvF SUT in Bratislava. She is specializes in the assessment of hydrological processes, flood evaluation methods, the regionalization, flood frequency analysis and estimation of design values of extreme precipitation and discharges. She is the author and co-author of scientific papers published in high ranked journals (e.g. Nature, Science, Nature Geoscience). The number of publications (status 2/2024) in the WOS database is 84, in the SCOPUS 117, h-index 22. Number of citations (without self-citation of all co-authors) in the WOS, SCOPUS is 3544. Her research is summarized e.g. in monographs: Analysis of maximum precipitation totals in the upper Hron river basin (2005), Regional methods for prediction in ungauged basins (2006), Landscape engineering: selected problems (2015). In 2004 she received the SAS Award for scientific and research activities in 2004 in cooperation with universities; the Literary Fund Premium for Scientific and Professional Literature in 2005 in the category of natural and technical sciences and Medal of Akademik Dub in 2011. In 2018, the Rector of STU awarded her for the Science journal publication, and in 2020 for publication in the Nature journal. Memberships other than those listed in the form: Member of the doctoral study in Hydraulic Engineering and Water Resources Management and in Landscaping at the STU in Bratislava; Member of the group of experts for the assessment of international projects; Member of the European Geophysical Union (EGS); Member of the International Association of Hydrological Sciences (IAHS); Slovak delegate to the Management Committee COST Action Floodfreq 2010-2015, COST Action Land4Flood 2017-2021, COST Action PROCLIAS since 2020 and COST FutureMed since 2023; and Member of the Academic Senate of SvF SUT Bratislava since 2015-2023.
Konstantinos Kouskoukis
Professor of Dermatology – Lawyer President – Hellenic Academy of Thermal Medicine, President – World Academy of Chinese & Complementary Medicine President – Hellenic Health Tourism Association V.President of Global Hippocratic Doctor’s Institute f.Gen. Secretary – Ministry of National Education. v. Rector, Greece

Konstantinos Kouskoukis
Professor of Dermatology – Lawyer President – Hellenic Academy of Thermal Medicine, President – World Academy of Chinese & Complementary Medicine President – Hellenic Health Tourism Association V.President of Global Hippocratic Doctor’s Institute f.Gen. Secretary – Ministry of National Education. v. Rector, Greece
Konstantinos Kouskoukis is a Graduate of the Military Medical School and a Graduate of the Department of Law of Aristotle University, a Professor of Dermatology of DUTH and New York University and also, a Professor of Aesthetic Medicine at Camerino University. He is the President of the Hellenic Academy of Spa Medicine, of the World Academy of Chinese - Complementary Medicine, the President of the Hellenic Association of Health Tourism and Vice President of the Global Doctors' Hippocratic Institute. In parallel, he is the Vice President of the Hellenic-Chinese Association. He was Secretary General of the Ministry of Education & Religion, Secretary General of Lifelong Learning, Vice-Rector of DUTH, Professor of the School of Nursing Officers and Professor of the National School of Public Administration, Chairman of the National Committee for Lifelong Learning, Chairman of the Research Committee of DUTH, Chairman of the Committee for the Protection of Thermal Natural Resources, Vice-Chairman of the Medical Tourism Committee of the PIS Scientific Research Institute, Director - Chief Dermatologist of 401 GSNA, Candidate Member of Parliament and Coordinator. He is the Coordinator of the program MPS and e-learning of Medical Medicine at EKPA and Member of the Board of the International Center for Health Tourism (I.H.T.C.) and ELITOUR, Scientific Advisor of the World Health Organization (WHO), World Academy of Spa (FEMTEC) and KEDE. He is also the Honorary President of the Medical Aesthetic Society, the International Hippocratic Society of Homeopathy and the Anti-Aging Society, Elected Active Member of the New York Academy of Sciences. He is a Researcher and Author of 8 books, Married (wife Kalantzi Evangelia, Vice Admiral), Children Alexander Ph.D., M.Sc. Biologist and Marios Ph.D., M.Sc., M.B.A. Economist.
Kalliopi Kravari
Lecturer, Postdoctoral Researcher, Member of Intelligent Systems Lab of the School of Informatics

Kalliopi Kravari
Lecturer, Postdoctoral Researcher, Member of Intelligent Systems Lab of the School of Informatics
Dr. Kalliopi Kravari is an adjunct lecturer at the International Hellenic University (IHU) in Intelligent Systems. At the same time, she is a postdoctoral researcher at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTH), where she is a member of the Intelligent Systems Lab of the School of Informatics, and collaborating teaching staff at the Open Hellenic University, Greece. She holds a Postdoc (NSF Grants) and a Ph.D. degree in Artificial Intelligence from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, School of Informatics (2015). She received a BSc (2007) and an MSc (2009) degree in informatics and an MSc in Theology (2016) from the AUTH. She also attended the Pedagogical Training Program (EPPAIK) of the School of Pedagogical and Technological Education, Greece (2016). She is member of HAIS (Hellenic Artificial Intelligence Society), Hellenic Committee of the Blue Shield and UNESCO Chair on Conservation and Ecotourism of Riparian and Deltaic Ecosystems, IHU while she is deputy director of ’’Analysis and Management of Natural Disasters and Technological Risks’’ (ASSIST) Lab, IHU. She is also the CEO of RESHUB LTD, a company oriented to AI R&D and project management. She participated in more than 25 research and administrative programs while managing several of them. She has published 12 journal papers, 2 book chapter and 30 conference papers, receiving over 400 citations (h-index 7). She also received two best paper awards, an honor award as well as two excellence AUTH awards. She is reviewer in journals and conferences, she participates in conference committees while she is a invited speaker at academic festivals. Her research interests include among others Artificial Intelligence, Internet of Things and Intelligent Agents, Intelligent information systems and Semantic Web. More specifically, she is interested in Negotiations and Intelligent Multi-Agent Systems issues, including among others Trust Management, IAs in the IoT, Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, Logic, Rule-based and Object-oriented programming, Ontologies and Rules.
Itamara Lochard
Director, Cyber Policy Studies CEC Dean’s Office, USA

Itamara Lochard
Director, Cyber Policy Studies CEC Dean’s Office, USA
Professor ltamara Lochard, PhD is a certified mediator and Director of Cyber Policy Studies in the CEC Dean's Office at George Mason University (GMU). In 2012, she created the first civilian, interdisciplinary academic program addressing the interface of technology with peace, conflict, and communications as the Founding Director of a Cyber Policy Initiative in the Office of the President at Middlebury Institute for International Studies. She exported this vision to the U.S. National Defense University's Institute for National Security Studies (U.S. Department of Defense) as a Senior Fellow. She then accepted a joint appointment at GMU in 2016 to develop it further first at C4I, then CARE, and since January 2022 in the CEC Dean's Office.
Creating novel efforts is a passion for ltamara. In 2008, she developed the first Terrorists' Use of Cyber Course for NATO, which continues to this day. It was launched at the Center of Excellence - Defense against Terrorism (COE-DAT) where it became a staple, and it is now also taught at the NATO School in Oberammergau. Additionally, as an advisor to U.S. combatant commander/NATO SACEUR Admiral Stavridis, she co-created the first U.S. European Command (EUCOM)-funded computer network operation, military-to-military familiarization exercises along partner U.S. national guard components. These were executed in Estonia and the Republic of Georgia, then later served as a model for other partner countries in Europe. Based on this experience and the lessons from the Estonian Kaitseliit, she developed and commanded the first U.S. "civilian" cyber unit in U.S. defense forces at the rank of COL (MDDF). This effort has since spread to 16 other states to date.
Academically, ltamara has examined sub-state groups' para-state functions since 1988, tracking them with aggregated governance and influence metrics. In 2004, she copyrighted a model of their organizational structures, tactics, techniques, procedures, and areas of cooperation as well as the use of information, communication and technology (ICT) and Strategic Communications. These topics have served as the basis for her work with NATO CoEs in Turkey, Latvia, Romania, and Estonia as well as with NATO Rapid Deployable Corps (NRDC)-Italy. These research efforts were supported by multiple grants from the U.S. Office of Naval Research and various NATO sub-divisions, among others. She has presented her findings on various aspects of irregular war and Strategic Communications at numerous government, NATO, and United Nations fora. She currently has a five-year, multi-million dollar Minerva Research Initiative award in which she employs a novel approach to understanding crisis communication. Minervas are jointly administered by the Office of Basic Research and the Office of Policy at the U.S. Department of Defense, in close collaboration with the Office of Naval Research.
For 15 years, ltamara was also a Senior Researcher at the International Security Studies Program at the Fletcher School of Law & Diplomacy teaching graduate seminars and serving on multiple academic committees. She also spent several years as a contributing editor for Princeton University's Journal of Public & International Affairs. Moreover, she applied her academic knowledge to train pre-lSAF deployment soldiers at NATO Rapid Deployment Corps-Turkey (NRDC-T) and created several week-long Advanced Irregular War modules for U.S. Special Forces at Joint Special Operations University (JSOU).
Additionally, ltamara has actively engaged in developing and teaching executive education to mid-to-senior political and military officers from Armenia, the Balkans, Estonia, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) nations, and the United Arab Emirates. She still develops and teaches Senior Executive Service (SES) courses on cognitive warfare at the U.S. National Defense University.
ltamara holds a BS in Foreign Service from Georgetown University along with three master's degrees and PhD from Stanford University and the Fletcher School of Law & Diplomacy. All were awarded with honors. She received a Presidential Award for Leadership and Public Service at Tufts, an Order of Thor from the Military Cyber Professional Association at the U.S. Naval Postgraduate School, and a Medal of Honor for Special Services from the Republic of Estonia's Cyber Defense League (2011).
Spyridon Mamalis
Professor Department of Management Science & Technology, Democritus University of Thrace, Greece

Spyridon Mamalis
Professor Department of Management Science & Technology, Democritus University of Thrace, Greece
Spyridon Mamalis is a Professor of Marketing in Democritus University of Thrace, Department of Management Science and Technology. Also he is the director of ‘’ Marketing Research and Development of food products’’ lab. Moreover, he is a visiting professor in University of Neapolis Pafos and Hellenic Open University.
He holds a bachelor in Agricultural Economics from Aristotle University an Msc in International Agricultural and Food Marketing, and Phd in Food Service Marketing from University of Newcastle Upon Tyne.
He served as a president in Geotechnical Chamber of Greece for 12 Years. He is a member of the governing board of International University of Greece. He is a member of board in ELGO DHMHTRA. Also, he is a member of the governing board of CIHEAM and CEDIA.
He teaches Marketing and Services Marketing in ‘’Master in Business Administration’’ and ‘’Executive Master in Business Administration in Tourism’’ program, and Consumer Behavior and Digital Marketing in ‘’Digital Marketing’’ MSc program.
He has published 6 books, 36 peer reviewed articles in international journals and 87 articles in international conference proceedings. Finally, he has been the leader of more than 8 projects financed by EU.
Fotios Maris
Rector of Democritus University of Thrace, Professor at the Department of Civil Engineering, Water Excess, Flood, Greece

Fotios Maris
Rector of Democritus University of Thrace, Professor at the Department of Civil Engineering, Water Excess, Flood, Greece
Prof. Fotios Maris is Professor of Mountain River Training (2019 - today) at the Department of Civil Engineering, Democritus University of Thrace. Prof. Maris is Rector of Democritus University of Thrace (DUTH), director of the Master Program “Management of Hydrometeoroological Disasters” and has served as Vice Rector of Finance, Planning and Development of DUTH for the period 2018-2023. In addition, he has previously served as Lecturer, Assistant Professor and Associate Professor for the periods 2003-2007, 2007-2013 and 2013-2016 respectively, at the Department of Forestry and Management of the Environment and Natural Resources, and from 2016-2019 he was Associate Professor at the Department of Civil Engineering, Democritus University of Thrace, DUTH. Currently he is Guest Editor in Journal Land (MDPI). His teaching activity involved several graduate and undergraduate courses such as Mountain River Training, Hydrology and Hydraulics, Hydroinformatics, Earth-dams technology, Water Resources Management, Sustainable Management of Mountainous Watersheds, Torrent Management, Geoinformatics and Environmental Hazards Management, etc. Prof. Maris participated in a plethora of PhD dissertations, M.Sc. Theses and BSc. Theses in Hydrology and Water Resources Management as a supervisor or member of the advisory committees. Prof. Maris is the author and co-author of more than one hundred thirty-six (136) referred publications in international journals, conference proceedings, books, and technical reports. He has participated in more than eleven national and European research projects on hydrology, hydraulics, and water resources management. Finally, Prof. Maris has over 722 (h-index 14) citations based on Scopus (April 2024) in Referred Journals, Books and Conferences, and technical reports.
- 2012-2014. Flood warning system establishment in Arda river basin for minimizing the risk in the cross - border area ARDAFORECAST. Funding: European Territorial Cooperation Programme Greece-Bulgaria 2007-2013. Project Leader: Prof. Kotsovinos Nikolaos
- 2019-2022. Cooperation for fusing skills on Cloud-based Open GeoInformatics: Innovative Environmental Management (FuseGI) / Cooperation for fusing and enhancing Geoinformatics skills using cloud computing services: Towards Innovative Environmental Management. Programme: ERASMUS+ / Key Action 2 - Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices/ Strategic Partnership: Strategic Partnerships supporting exchange of good practices for higher education, Funding: ERASMUS+, Project Leader: Prof. Fotios Maris.
- 2020-2023. Risk and Resilience Assessment Center –Prefecture of East Macedonia and Thrace -Greece. (MIS 5047293). Action: Reinforcement of the Research and Innovation Infrastructure. Funding: Co-financed by Greece and the European Union— European Regional- Development Fund. Project Leader: Prof. Ioannis Dokas.
- Angelidis, P., Maris, F., Kotsovinos, N., & Hrissanthou, V. (2012). Computation of Drought Index SPI with Alternative Distribution Functions. Water Resources Management, 26(9), 2453–2473. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11269-012-0026-0
- Iliadis, L. S., & Maris, F. (2007). An Artificial Neural Network model for mountainous water-resources management: The case of Cyprus mountainous watersheds. Environmental Modelling & Software, 22(7), 1066–1072. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envsoft.2006.05.026
- Karagiorgos, K., Thaler, T., Hübl, J., Maris, F., & Fuchs, S. (2016). Multi-vulnerability analysis for flash flood risk management. Natural Hazards, 82(S1), 63–87. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11069-016-2296-y
- Mallinis, G., Maris, F., Kalinderis, I., & Koutsias, N. (2009). Assessment of Post-fire Soil Erosion Risk in Fire-Affected Watersheds Using Remote Sensing and GIS. GIScience & Remote Sensing, 46(4), 388–410. https://doi.org/10.2747/1548-1603.46.4.388
- Paparrizos, S., Maris, F., & Matzarakis, A. (2016). Integrated analysis of present and future responses of precipitation over selected Greek areas with different climate conditions. Atmospheric Research, 169, 199–208. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.atmosres.2015.10.004
- Mallinis, G., Gitas, I. Z., Giannakopoulos, V., Maris, F., & Tsakiri-Strati, M. (2011). An object-based approach for flood area delineation in a transboundary area using ENVISAT ASAR and LANDSAT TM data. International Journal of Digital Earth, 1–13. https://doi.org/10.1080/17538947.2011.641601
Papaioannou, G., Alamanos, A., Maris, F. (2023). Evaluating Post-Fire Erosion and Flood Protection Techniques: A Narrative Review of Applications. GeoHazards, 4, 380-405. https://doi.org/10.3390/geohazards4040022
Panagiotis Nastos
Director of Laboratory of Climatology and Atmospheric Environment, Director Postgraduate Program “Water Biosphere and Climate Change” National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, President of the Hellenic Meteorological Society, Greece

Panagiotis Nastos
Director of Laboratory of Climatology and Atmospheric Environment, Director Postgraduate Program “Water Biosphere and Climate Change” National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, President of the Hellenic Meteorological Society, Greece
Professor Dr. Panagiotis Nastos (PN) is the Director of the Laboratory of Climatology and Atmospheric Environment and the Director of the MSc Program “Water, Biosphere and Climate Change”, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (http://lacae.geol.uoa.gr). PN is the President of the Hellenic Meteorological Society since 2010, member of the Coordination Committee of the Center of Excellence “Natural Disaster Management” of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, and member of the International Scientific Committee of the UNESCO Chair on Conservation and Ecotourism of Riparian and Deltaic Ecosystems “Con-E-Ect”, since 2019. PN has supervised a significant number of PhDs and post-graduated dissertations in the field of Climatology and Atmospheric Environment. PN has twenty-five years of research experience in Climate Change and Variability, Human Biometeorology, Urban Environment and Human Health, Extreme Weather and Climate, Impacts of Ambient Air Pollution. PN is an active member of more than 50 editorial boards, international academic societies and journals and he has been invited speaker in workshops, seminars, and conferences concerning climate change and variability, extreme weather, urban thermal environment and impacts on human health and tourism. PN has published more than 470 scientific papers, of which 180 in International Scientific Journals and the other in International, National Conferences and Published Books in the field of Climatology and Atmospheric Environment (>7000 citations, h-index = 45). PN has participated in 35 EU and national research projects as project manager/senior researcher. More information about PN is available at: http://scholar.google.gr/citations?user=knLywkwAAAAJ&hl=el, http://www.researchgate.net/profile/Panagiotis_Nastos?ev=hdr_xprf
Selected Publications
- Nastos, P.T., Kapsomenakis, J. Douvis, K.C., 2013, Analysis of precipitation extremes based on satellite and high-resolution gridded data set over Mediterranean basin. Atmospheric Research, Vol. 131, pp. 46–59.
- Nastos, P.T., Kapsomenakis, J., 2015, Regional climate model simulations of extreme air temperature in Greece. Abnormal or common records in the future climate? Atmospheric Research, Vol. 152, pp. 43-60.
- Nastos, P.T., Vassilakis E., Nastos. M.-P., P., Charalampopoulos, I., Matzarakis, A., 2017, Assessment of continuous sky view factor based on ultra-high resolution natural colour images acquired by remotely piloted airborne systems for applications in an urban area of Athens. International Journal of Remote Sensing, Vol. 38(20), pp. 5814-5829.
- Nastos, P.T., Papadimou, K.K., Matsangouras, I.T., 2018, Mediterranean tropical-like cyclones: Impacts and composite daily means and anomalies of synoptic patterns. Atmospheric Research, Vol. 208, pp. 156-166.
- Nastos, P.T., Kostianoy, A.G., Serykh, I.V. 2022, The Aegean Sea Air Temperature Changes. In: The Handbook of Environmental Chemistry. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg. https://doi.org/10.1007/698_2022_904
Chrisoula Nikolarou
Head of Department of Costing and Pricing of Water Services, Ministry of Environment and Energy, Greece

Chrisoula Nikolarou
Head of Department of Costing and Pricing of Water Services, Ministry of Environment and Energy, Greece
Chrisoula Nikolarou is Head of Department of Costing and Pricing of Water Services, Directorate for the Planning and Management of Water Services, of the Hellenic Ministry of Environment and Energy. She studied Agricultural Engineering in Agricultural University of Athens and holds an Ms in Agricultural & Biological Engineering from Cornell University, USA.
She has over twenty years’ experience in protection and management of water resources on the implementation of water policy and she has serve as national focal point for the Nitrates Directive and WAREG.
For the last ten years is the Head of department of Costing and Pricing of Water Service working mainly on the formulation and implementation of policy framework for water pricing and costing. She has participated in the development of all three cycles of the River Basin Management Plans and she haw been a member of the Committee for the development of the National Strategic Plan for the Drinking Water, of the National Monitoring of Surface and Ground Water committee and of a numerus committees for drafting national legislation and implementation of national and EU water policy.
Orestis Omran-Koukouvitakis
Partner in the Brussels office of DLA Piper, Head of the firm’s Greece Country Group

Orestis Omran-Koukouvitakis
Partner in the Brussels office of DLA Piper, Head of the firm’s Greece Country Group
Orestis Omran-Koukouvitakis is a Partner in the Brussels office of DLA Piper and the Head of the firm’s Greece Country Group.
He focuses on EU transactional and regulatory matters in the energy, banking, and infrastructure sectors. Qualified in England and Wales, New York, Greece, and Brussels (E-list), Orestis has been advising on some of the most significant and most complex transactions in the country including privatizations, bank and debt restructurings, delignitization, renewable energy sources and transactions in the hospitality sector. Orestis has also advised governments and international corporates in formal and informal state aid and other investigations before the European Commission, national regulatory authorities, and subsequent proceedings before the EU Courts.
He is recognized by numerous established legal directories (Chambers, Legal500, IFLR) as one of the top international lawyers in the fields of banking and finance, energy and competition law in Europe and in Greece. He regularly speaks in business and legal conferences in Europe and the United States and delivers lectures as a Guest Lecturer in many universities in Europe and the Americas. He has also been publishing articles in the press addressing economic and social issues in Greece and the EU.
Ioannis Papafloratos
Professor National Defense Academy, Greece

Ioannis Papafloratos
Professor National Defense Academy, Greece
Ioannis Papafloratos was born in 1973. He succeeded in the Greek national exams and studied Law at the University of Thrace from which he graduated in 1997. During his studies, he worked at the Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy under the supervision of Professor and Deputy Foreign Minister Ioannis Valinakis. The title of his work “The decisions of United Nations, NATO, European Union and Western European Union for the crisis in former Yugoslavia (1991-1996)” was published as background paper in 4 volumes for the Greek diplomats. Ioannis Papafloratos was awarded his Masters of Science from the Amsterdam School of International Relations. In 1999, he started his Doctoral dissertation at the University of Athens under the supervision of the late Professor Constantine Svolopoulos. In 2004, he was awarded a Ph.D. in both International Relations and Modern History with a grade “A”. The next 2 years he worked at the Academy of Athens In September 2009, he was a speaker at the Multinational Peace Support Operations Training Center. Today, he teaches at the Hellenic National Defence College, the Hellenic School of National Security, the Hellenic Air Force War College, the Air Force Command, the Hellenic Air Force Academy and Staff College and The Education & Training College of Hellenic Police. He also taught at the School of Continuing Education and Training of the Hellenic Police of Northern Greece, the Legal Advisors School and People’s University. In December 2010, he received the Academy of Athens Award for his first book on the Hellenic-Italian Crisis of 1923 - the Tellini/Corfu episode. He was a speaker in 31 national and international conferences and as a writer he has participated in 7 collective works. He has published 22 books and more than 340 articles in newspapers and magazines.
Eleftherios Papakostas
Writer, Historian

Eleftherios Papakostas
Writer, Historian
Lefteris Papakostas comes from Skoulikaria, a mountain village 44 kilometers away from Arta, Northern Western Greece.
He studied History and Philosophy at Aristoteleion University of Thessaloniki and obtained his master's degree (MA) at the University of Athens.
He attended Law School at the Kapodistrian University of Athens, but never completed his studies.
He served as Director in various High Schools and was responsible for teaching History
in the Experimental High School of Anavrita.
He worked as a presenter on state television in folkloric and traditional programs, with the main object being the promotion of folk dances and songs, the customs and the history of Greece.
He was a columnist in newspapers and magazines on historical, political, social and philosophical issues.
He is a book editor and publishing consultant. For the last 20 years writes and
publishes books whose content concerns History, Politics and Diplomacy of Modern Greece, as well as issues concerning the philosophical and sociological issues of
modern society.
His publishing work consists of the following books:
- «50 Texts request a recipient»
- «Aloud Thoughts»
- «The winner takes it all» which refers to the internal migration of Greece following the conclusion of the Second World War and the civil war – Publishing House «Livanis»
- «Anarchically ...politicians» - Politics and Diplomacy in modern Greece, from 1821 until the death of Venizelos in 1936. "Angelakis" Publications.
- «A Governor for Greece» dedicated to Ioannis Kapodistrias, first Governor of Greece - «Angelakis» Publications
- "Days of Resistance". Memoirs of General Apostolos Papakostas from the National Resistance during the period 1942-1945 - "Angelakis" Publications
- "The Macedonian Question". From the epic of the Macedonian struggle to the Treaty of Prespes. – "Angelakis" Publications
- «The charm of the Search» with philosophical, literary and historical essays.
- The Asia Minor disaster and the end of the "Great Idea" notion. - From triumph to mourning. A book dedicated to 100 years’ anniversary since the Asia Minor disaster - "Angelakis" Publications
- "Politicians and politics in Greece". From Monarchy to Parliamentarianism.
Examines the political situation of Greece from the reign of King Othon to the death of the father of the Republic Charilaos Trikoupis - "Angelakis" Publications
Two more books in the final phase of being published:
- "In The name of Democracy: Movements-Revolutions - Dictatorships". From the
fight for Democracy to the Constitutional deviation
- "The other face of the Governor". It is the second book dedicated to Ioannis
Kapodistrias, as revealed as a personality and a politician through the archives, letters, public and private documents.
George Papaioannou
Assistant Professor, Department of Forestry and Management of the Environment and Natural Resources, Democritus University of Thrace

George Papaioannou
Assistant Professor, Department of Forestry and Management of the Environment and Natural Resources, Democritus University of Thrace
Resume: Dr. George Papaioannou is an Assistant Professor of Forest Hydrology and Mountain River Training and Director of the Mountain River Training and Risk Management Laboratory of the Department of Forestry and Management of the Environment and Natural Resources, Democritus University of Thrace (2021-today). He is a visiting Professor at the Department of Civil Engineering, Democritus University of Thrace, Postgraduate Programs “Hydraulic Engineering and Environment” and “Hydro-meteorological Disaster Management”. He has participated in thirteen (13) national and European research projects and an adequate number of hydrological and hydraulic studies and water resources management projects. He is a member of national and international scientific and professional associations. He is currently a Guest Editor in Journal Land (MDPI) and served as a guest editor in the journal Hydrology (MDPI). He is a regular reviewer of research papers in international journals. He is the author and co-author of more than ninety (90) referred international journal publications, conference proceedings, books, and technical reports. His published work has received over 1063 citations, as indicated in Google Scholar database search (h-index =15, i10-index =19), and over 703 citations, as indicated in Scopus database search (h-index=12). Dr. Papaioannou has adequate experience in teaching activities in undergraduate (e.g., Hydrology - Hydraulics of Mountainous Watersheds, etc.) and postgraduate courses (e.g., Sustainable Management of Mountainous Watersheds, etc). Finally, he supervises and participates in the examination committees for BSc. Theses, M.Sc. Theses and Ph.D. Dissertations in the fields of Hydrology and Water Resources Management.
- ï2024. “Post-fire Erosion and Flood prone areas Identification framework – PEFI”. Funding: Special Account for Research Grants DUTH, Programm “Duth to people”. Project Leader: George Papaioannou
- ï2023-2027. “RESIST - Regions for climate change resilience through innovation, science and technology”, (2023-2027), Funding: HORIZON EUROPE 2021-2027, Programm HORIZON.2.5 - Climate, Energy and Mobility, Project leader: Prof. Antonios Gasteratos. (Member of the research team)
- 2020-2021. “Remote Sensing Procedure for the Estimation of Stream Roughness with Limited Data and Sensitivity Analysis of Flood Modeling with the Use of Various Hydraulic/Hydrodynamic Approaches (1D,2D,1D/2D)”, Greek Ministry of Economics and Development/ Action “Support of Researchers with Emphasis to Young Researchers-Cycle B”, Project leader: Research Director, Dr. Elias Dimitriou (Postdoc-Research Scholarship).
- Papaioannou, G., Vasiliades, L., & Loukas, A. (2015). Multi-criteria analysis framework for potential flood prone areas mapping. Water Resources Management, 29(2), 399-418. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11269-014-0817-6
- Papaioannou, G., Loukas, A., Vasiliades, L., & Aronica, G.T. (2016). Flood inundation mapping sensitivity to riverine spatial resolution and modelling approach. Natural Hazards, 83(1), 117-132. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11069-016-2382-1
- Papaioannou, G., Vasiliades, L., Loukas, A., & Aronica, G.T. (2017). Probabilistic flood inundation mapping at ungauged streams due to roughness coefficient uncertainty in hydraulic modelling. Advances in Geosciences, 44, 23-34. https://doi.org/10.5194/adgeo-44-23-2017
- Papaioannou, G., Efstratiadis, A., Vasiliades, L., Loukas, A., Papalexiou, S.M., Koukouvinos, A., Tsoukalas, I., & Kossieris, P. (2018). An operational method for Flood Directive implementation in ungauged urban areas. Hydrology, 5(2), 24. https://doi.org/10.3390/hydrology5020024
- Kaffas, K., Papaioannou, G., Varlas, G., al Sayah, M. J., Papadopoulos, A., Dimitriou, E., Katsafados, P., & Righetti, M. (2022). Forecasting soil erosion and sediment yields during flash floods: The disastrous case of Mandra, Greece, 2017. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms. https://doi.org/10.1002/esp.5344
- Papaioannou, G., Markogianni, V., Loukas, A., & Dimitriou, E. (2022). Remote Sensing Methodology for Roughness Estimation in Ungauged Streams for Different Hydraulic/Hydrodynamic Modeling Approaches. Water, 14(7), 1076. https://doi.org/10.3390/w14071076
- Papaioannou, G., Alamanos, A., Maris, F. (2023). Evaluating Post-Fire Erosion and Flood Protection Techniques: A Narrative Review of Applications. GeoHazards, 4, 380-405. https://doi.org/10.3390/geohazards4040022
- Alamanos, A., Papaioannou, G., Varlas, G., Markogianni, V., Papadopoulos, A., Dimitriou, E. (2024). Representation of a Post-Fire Flash-Flood Event Combining Meteorological Simulations, Remote Sensing, and Hydraulic Modeling. Land , 13, 47. https://doi.org/10.3390/land13010047
Natassa Pentagioti
PhD Candidate Department of Forestry and Natural Environment Democritus University of Thrace, Sustainable We CEO, Greece

Natassa Pentagioti
PhD Candidate Department of Forestry and Natural Environment Democritus University of Thrace, Sustainable We CEO, Greece
Anastasia Pentagioti is a PhD candidate, holds a MSc in Bioeconomy and Circular Economy and a MA in Environmental Governance for Sustainable Development. She is Head of Policy and Communication Officer and Special Advisor on Sustainable Development and Climate Change at the European Parliament and. She was Manager of UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network of Greece and Social Entrepreneurship Consultant and Content Manager at Athens Development and Destination Management Agency, Municipality of Athens and a Special Advisor at the Ministry of Environment, Energy and Climate Change. She was also Greek Representative at UNESCO Young Leaders for Education for Sustainable Development (Paris 2018), Greek Representative at YRE (Young Reporters for the Environment) – Foundation for Environmental Education - UNESCO, Author of Organizations an E-book on United Nations Sustainable Development Goals globalgoals.gr. She is a political scientist and a journalist Member of Journalist’s National Union of Athens – Greece.
Christos Pliatsikas
International Law Analyst, PhD Candidate, Msc Environmental Governance and Sustainable Development at Panteion, Greece

Christos Pliatsikas
International Law Analyst, PhD Candidate, Msc Environmental Governance and Sustainable Development at Panteion, Greece
Christos Pliatsikas is a political scientist and international law expert. He is a PhD Student in the field of International Development Law at Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences. He holds MSc in Environmental Governance and Sustainable Development (Jean Monnet) at Panteion University and BSc in Political Science and Public Administration at National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. He has participated in numerous conferences, seminars and has published scientific articles in Greece and abroad. He serves as a scientific collaborator at the NGO "MESONISSOS" Center for Island and Mediterranean Culture and is a member of Greek Society of International Law and International Relations.
Ismail Serageldin
Professor, Co-Chair of the Board of Nizami Ganjavi International Center (NGIC), Emeritus Librarian of Alexandria, Former VP of World Bank, Egypt

Ismail Serageldin
Professor, Co-Chair of the Board of Nizami Ganjavi International Center (NGIC), Emeritus Librarian of Alexandria, Former VP of World Bank, Egypt
Ismail Serageldin, Founding Director of the Bibliotheca Alexandrina (BA), the new Library of Alexandria, inaugurated in 2002, is currently, Emeritus Librarian, and member of the Board of Trustees of the Library of Alexandria. He serves as Chair and Member of a number of advisory committees for academic, research, scientific and international institutions, including as co-Chair of the Nizami Ganjavi International Center (NGIC), and serves as Patron of the International Science Council (ISC).
He has held many international positions including as Vice President of the World Bank (1993–2000). He also co-chaired the African Union’s high level panel for Biotechnology (2006) and again for Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) in 2012-2013, and was a member of the ICANN Panel for the review of the internet future (2013).
Dr. Serageldin has received many awards including: First recipient of Grameen Foundation (USA) Award for a lifetime commitment to combating poverty, (1999); Pablo Neruda Medal of Honor, awarded by the Government of Chile (2004); The Bajaj Award for promoting Ghandian values outside India (2006); Order of the Rising Sun – Gold and Silver Star awarded by the Emperor of Japan (2008); Champion of Youth Award by the World Youth Congress, Quebec (2008); Knight of the French Legion of Honor awarded by the President of France (2008); Africa Millennium Excellence Award for Lifetime Achievement Prize, Ghana (2010); The Public Welfare Medal, by the National Academy of Sciences, Washington DC (2011); Commander of the Order of Arts & Letters awarded by the government of France (2011); and the presidential medals from the republics of Azerbaijan (2015), Montenegro (2016); Albania (2017) and Macedonia (2019).
He has lectured widely all over the world including delivering the Mandela Lecture (Johannesburg, 2011), the Nexus Lecture (Netherlands, 2011), the Keynote Address to the First International Summit of the Book (Washington DC, 2012). He was distinguished professor at Wageningen University and at the College de France.
He has published over 100 books and monographs and over 500 papers on a variety of topics including biotechnology, rural development, sustainability, and the value of science to society. He holds a Bachelor of Science degree in engineering from Cairo University and Master’s degree and a PhD from Harvard University and has received 40 honorary doctorates.
Myrto Sotiropoulou
Medicine, Physician

Myrto Sotiropoulou
Medicine, Physician
MD Sotiropoulou Myrtia, Ch.
Degree in Medicine, University of Patras, 1990
25 years of progressive professional experience as a doctor in Obstetrics, Gynecology, Sexual disorders and Urogynecology.
FECSM Fellow of the Multidisciplinary Joint Committee of Sexual Medicine (MJCSM), Madrid, Spain, Degree in Didactics (ΠΑΤΕΣ-ΣΕΛΕΤΕ)
2-year Retraining Seminar Certification in Psychosexual Disorders, University Psychiatric Clinic A’, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, 2014
Sexual Medicine School Budapest 2015,Specialized in Urogynecology, University of Athens 2000-2006 ,Degree in Pedagogy School of Pedagogical and Technological Education. Grade “Very Good” 2001
Active participant as speaker-coordinator in over 24 scientific conferences/seminars, and attendant of over 220 seminars, conferences and symposiums.
Scientific Collaborator in the Master’s Program “Regenerative-
Reproductive Medicine”, Medical School, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece, in the Master’s Program “Research in Female Reproduction”, Medical School, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, and Department of Obstetrics, Technological Educational Institute of Athens,on Teen Sexual Education, Obstetrics-Gynecology Clinic A’, University Hospital “Alexandra”, in Obstetrics-Gynecology, Obstetrics-Gynecology Clinic A’, University Hospital “Alexandra”
Appointed teacher in various Vocational Training High Schools in Argos and Athens with secondment to the Medical School of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
Speaker in Retraining Seminars of the Obstetrics –Gynecology Clinic A’, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
Tutor in the Vocational Training Institutes of Orestiada and Didymoteichon
Seminar coordinator on Health, Diet and First Aid of the Program “Social Integration of foreign women and young girls” of the International Federation for Social Work, Berlin Regional Office
Vasko Stojov
Hydrologist, Msc, North Macedonia

Vasko Stojov
Hydrologist, Msc, North Macedonia
Personal life
Born in Skopje, 1966, Republic of Macedonia, SFRY. Married, two children.
Primary school and high school finalized in Skopje.
Title of qualification awarded B.Sc. in Civil Engineering; Principal subjects - Civil Engineering - Hydrotechnic
Faculty of Civil Engineering - Skopje "Ss. Cyril and Methodius" University.
Title of qualification awarded M.Sc. in Civil Engineering, Principal subjects Civil Engineering, department of Hydrotechnic
Faculty of Civil Engineering - Skopje "Ss. Cyril and Methodius" University, Republic of Macedonia
Since 1995 working in national Hydrometeorological Service.
Professional engagements
Working 30 years in National Hydrometeorological Service (NHMS), Head of Sector for Hydrology – 9 years, before as Head of Department for Hydrological Surface Water - 9 years, Hydrological Forecast Adviser – 8years, Professional Associates for Catchment Area. Responsible for planning, organizing and managing working programmes; planning and projecting the budget and monitoring the expenditures; managing team of observers nation-wide; managing team of hydrologist to operate stations and to do hydrometric measurement, to collect and to process data, to do data quality assurance; network design and deployment and maintenance of measurement stations; provision of data and products with an emphasis on quality assurance conducting analysis, writing reports and various documentations (Hydrological Information, Flood Forecasting, Water Balance); managing cooperation with international organizations and donors; writing and editing yearbooks with hydrological data; establishing and maintaining regular communication with stakeholders; organizing national and international events and participating as a speaker; member in national and international organizations responsible for hydrology or hydrometeorology, such as WMO; and many more.
Key achievements
UNDP Project: Integrated climate-resilient transboundary flood risk management in the Drin River basin in the Western Balkans
GIZ Project: Climate Change Adaptation in Western Balkan
UNDP Project - Polog-Flood Risk Management Plan for the Upper Vardar River Basin
Organizing work of the UNDP Project: Monitoring Programme for the Strumica River Basin
GIZ Regional Project-Flood Early Warning System in the Catchments of the Drin/Drim-Buna/Bojana Rivers, also in the same project, organizing and finalizing transboundary agreement for data exchange in the frame of the project between Albania, Montenegro, Kosovo and Macedonia (Memorandum for Cooperation-Prizren 2016), establishing unique system of data exchange through where all 4 countries have the same system of data exchange with help of MCH
Relevant experience, living abroad, additional skills
Since 1997 and onwards, active participant in international projects, conferences, commissions.
Member of National commission for UNESCO of N.Macedonia; Flash Flood Guidance System (FFGS) Focal Point for N.Macedonia; Hydrological Adviser to the Permanent Representative of N.Macedonia with WMO; Focal point from Hydromet Service of N.Macedonia (HMSM) for the project “Climate Change Adaptation in Western Balkan” (a joint cooperation project between the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) and relevant government ministries in Albania, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro; Participant - Hydrologic Research Center (HRC) Training Program, San Diego, USA, - Certificate of Completion “Southeast European Flash Flood Guidance System Operations four-week Training Program”; Participant - Royal Haskoning B.V., Witteveen&Bos and UNESCO-IHE (Delft, The Netherlands) Successfully completed the course: “Flood Risk Management and the Water Framework Directive”; Participant - IGSH – International German Summer school on Hydrology Rurh-University (Bochum, Germany) Attendance Certificate: Project Manager for HMS – River Monitoring System in Republic of Macedonia (Project RIMSYS) financed by Swiss Government; Participant in the organization body of “BALWOIS Conferences-Balkan Water Observation Information System”; Participant in the International Project “MED-HYCOS” – Supported by WMO and EU; Participant - Med-HYCOS Center (Montpellier, France) Training Course "Med-HYCOS Hydrological Data Base"; Participant - WMO and Water Resources Research Centre, VITUKI-Budapest, Hungary, Certificate for successfully completed Post-Graduate Course on "Hydrological Methods of Environmental Management".
Konstantina Svinou
District of Dodecanese, Greece

Konstantina Svinou
District of Dodecanese, Greece
Konstantina Svynou was born and raised in Kos. She studied Computer Engineering and Informatics at the engineering school of Patras’ University. She then specialized with postgraduate studies in the following:
MSc in "E-Commerce Technologies and Applications", university of PatrasMaster's Degree (MPh) in "Computer Science and Technology", university of PatrasMaster's Degree (MBA) in "Tourism Business Management", open university of Athens
She speaks fluently English, German and adequate FrenchShe has been a scientific associate in the High Performance Information Systems laboratory of the Computer Engineering and Informatics department of the University of Patras, while at the same time she was responsible for teaching courses in computer science in secondary education. On 2001, she turned to the tourism industry, taking over the management of her family business, which consists of 3 hotels.
On 2003 she was first elected at the board of the Hotel Association of Kos. Today she is: · Prefect of Kos and Nisyros islands (as elected regional councilor of South Aegean)· President of the Institute of Tourism Research (ITEP) (2018-today)· Vice-President of the Hotelier Association of Kos · Member of the Board of Directors of the Hellenic Chamber of Hotels (2006-today)· Member of the board of Panhellenic Federation of Hoteliers · Member of the Board of Directors of Kos Marina · Vice President of Kos’ cycling club (2022-today)
She has also been:
· President of the Hotelier Association of Kos (2014-2023)· Vice-president of the Panhellenic Federation of Hoteliers (2017-2023)
Dimitris Triantafyllou
Professor of International Relations, Panteion University, Greece

Dimitris Triantafyllou
Professor of International Relations, Panteion University, Greece
Dimitrios Triantaphyllou is Professor of International Politics at the Panteion University of Athens. Between 2010 and 2023, he was Professor of International Relations and Director of the Center for International and European Studies (CIES) at Kadir Has University in Istanbul. He is also a Research Associate of the Institute of International Relations (IDIS).
He holds a BA in Political Science and History from the University of California, Berkeley and an MA and PhD in International Relations from the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Tufts University.
He has previously served in various capacities in several research and academic institutions such as the Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy (ELIAMEP), Athens; the EU Institute for Security Studies, Paris; the Hellenic Observatory at the London School of Economics; the University of the Aegean, Rhodes; and the International Center for Black Sea Studies (ICBSS). Athens. He also served as an advisor at the Hellenic Ministry for Foreign Affairs.
He is an Editor of Southeast European and Black Sea Studies (SSCI indexed); a member of the Greek-Turkish Forum; co-convener of the Commission on the Black Sea; a member of the Advisory Boards of the Black Sea Trust for Regional Cooperation, the International Institute for Peace, Vienna; and the Corporate Social Responsibility Association of Turkey.
His more recent applied and research interests include Youth Empowerment, Civil Society Sustainability, intercultural dialogue, and Sustainable Development.
Grigoris I. Tsaltas
Em. Professor of International Law at Panteion University, former Rector, former Minister of Environment, Energy and Climate Change

Grigoris I. Tsaltas
Em. Professor of International Law at Panteion University, former Rector, former Minister of Environment, Energy and Climate Change
Grigoris I. Tsaltas, born in Athens, is an Emeritus Professor of International Law at Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences. He has served as Rector of Panteion University and is the Founding Director of the European Centre for Environmental Research and Training (EKePEK), the Jean Monnet Chair “European Union and Developing Countries” Holder and Member of the Board of the Institute of International Relations of Panteion University. He has also served as a Member of the Boards of the Hellenic Society of International Law and International Relations and the Aegean Institute for the Law of the Sea and Maritime Law and has been a Member of the Association Internationale du Droit de la Mer. In 2012 he was proclaimed chevalier dans l'ordre des Palmes Academiques by the French State.
In the past, he has served as Minister of Environment, Energy and Climate Change, Chairman of the Department of International and European Studies (2010-2012), Vice President of Association Internationale du droit de l'urbanisme (AIDRU), Chairman of UNESCO Attica Club as well as visiting professor at the following universities: University of Madrid (I.C.A.D.E.), Sorbonne, Tilburg, Louvain la Nueve, Dubrovnick, Krakovie, Cadi Ayat, Abidjan, and Cyprus.
He holds a Doctorat D’Etat en Droit (unanimously excellent) in International Law from the University of Legal and Economic Sciences of Nice, a Masters’ Degree from the Institut Européen des Hautes Etudes Internationales of the University of Nice, a Masters’ Degree in Public International Law specializing in the Law of Development from Institut du Droit de la Paix et du Développement of the University of Nice and a Degree in Political Science from Panteion University of Social and Political Science.
His research interests contain policies and international law of development, international law and international policy of environmental protection, international law of the sea, European policies of environmental protection, geography in international studies.
George Tsoutsos
Political Scientist, Greece

George Tsoutsos
Political Scientist, Greece
George A. Tsoutsos Political Scientist, Historical Researcher, Journalist. He was employed at the Prime Minister’s Press Office (1989 - 1992). He collaborated with the Defence Minister’s Staff in various historical research programs (1998 - 2003). Secretary of the Institute for Greek Oriental and African Studies (1990 - 2024). Member of the Editorial Committee of the scientific review Graeco-arabica. Member of the Directors Board of the Association of Athenians, member of the Scientific Committee of the Centre of European Studies & Humanities (Ioannis Capodistrias). Today he is a collaborator in the Library of the Holy Synod of the Greek Orthodox Church. His books are on international relations and foreign policy. He is the writer of many articles concerning medieval history as well as topics on international relations that have been published in newspapers and scientific magazines as well as in encyclopedias in Greece and abroad. Co-editor of the book “Sailing ships in the Mediterranean and the Arabian Gulf”, Co- editor of the first Greek - Ottoman newspaper “Vaka- i- Giritiye” (Cretan Events, 1830- 1840), and other History Volumes such as: Cappadokia - Asia Minor, Graeco-arabica, e.t.c. He gave lectures at the Hellenic Naval Academy and other institutions in Greece and abroad. He participated in many international conferences in Europe, Turkey, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Russia in collaboration with universities and major research institutions as well as in numerous research projects concerning the construction of Medieval Ships miniatures, the Crusades (University of Cordoba), the archives of (Moni Petraki), 2020 e.tc.
Dimitra Voutsa
Professor Head of Environmental Pollution Control Laboratory, Department of Chemistry, Aristotle University, Greece

Dimitra Voutsa
Professor Head of Environmental Pollution Control Laboratory, Department of Chemistry, Aristotle University, Greece
Dr. Dimitra Voutsa, is Professor on Environmental Chemistry, School of Chemistry, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. She is Head of Environmental Pollution Control Laboratory. Her research activities include several issues in the field of environmental chemistry and technology as follows: (a) drinking water quality, water treatment, regulated and emerging disinfection by-products; (b) occurrence, fate, and effects of organic micropollutants in aquatic environment, atmosphere, technical systems and treatment processes for their removal and, (c) chemical characterization of airborne atmospheric particles. She has published over 100 articles in international peer-reviewed scientific journals and chapters in books that have received more than 7000 citations. She has supervised many PhD and MSc theses. She is the deputy top manager and quality manager responsible for the implementation of accreditation system ISO/IEC 17025:2017 for measurements of atmospheric particles. Member of interdisciplinary Scientific Committee of Center of Integrated and Multidisciplinary Water Resources Management (CIMWRM), UNESCO water center. She has participated in many scientific committees aiming at the critical evaluation of various environmental issues. She is member of Environmental Council of Aristotle University. She participates in the advisory board of the journal Environmental Science Europe.
Webpage: https://www.chem.auth.gr/staff/voutsa/
Vasileios Vyzirgiannakis
Thalis Business Development Manager